
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Joining in!

Charm About You

I couldn't resist joining in the fun!

Besides, I have way too much fabric and not enough time to use it all!

This fabric is not exactly ugly!

In fact I used the top fabric...Peas and a blouse, which I still wear!

It has a cute vintage feel to it!

I just don't think I will be able to use these any time soon!

Don't ask me what the other two fabrics are?

I'm sure they will be familiar to some of you.

Each of these pieces is about 20 inches square (or slightly more)

and up for grabs!!

Just leave a comment on this post telling me what you would use these for

and Mr Random Generator will pick a winner 

sometime on Tuesday, 14th!

This giveaway is now closed!

Good luck!

Happy days!



  1. Oh I love these fabrics but I`m No.1 and No.1 never wins (according to Susan at Canadian Abroad). Can`t you alter your post to `the first person to leave a comment gets them`? Lovely giveaway - thanks for the chance!

  2. I think I'd have to use that bottom one in something for the kitchen!

  3. Love these fabrics! I hope to make an aqua and red scrap quilt one of these days...these would work perfectly!

  4. These are cute fuglies Mrs S. Destined for something fun x

  5. Definitely some of the cuter fuglies! I've got a friend who loves to cook, so I'm sure I'd have to make something silly for her kitchen out of them. :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. Great fuglies.... I'm thinking placemats......

  7. Ooohh lovely fabric. I think I would use use these to make a bag with, definitely the bottom two together anyway.

  8. Gah! Those are adorable -- especially the good lookin' one! Gahhhhh!

    I would use those for a little sewing bag for me. Oooooooooooo. :D Thanks for sharing your cute fabric with us!

  9. hehe cute :) love the peas and carrots

  10. These are not fugly at all. I would add then to my vintagey style fabrics because that is what they remind me of. Then I am planning a pillow.

  11. Hmmm wondering if I could make some sort of a bag out of these....but then I would have to win them to find out :o)

  12. I would fussy-cut the "Greet the Day" saying to use in something fabulous!! It would be great in a mug rug or a coffee cozie. I am also saving for some scrappy projects, so everything will find a purpose (love the graphic design of the second fabric, especially).

  13. The bottom one might be good for some i-spy blocks and my mum wants me to make her a red quilt... thanks for the lovely giveaway :o)

  14. I would love to get my hands on these fuglies. They would make a lovely lap or baby quilt! Thanks for the chance to win them!

  15. still need some fabric for a quilt made from give away won fabric - requested /ordered by my little sis. Thanks for the chance!

  16. I want to make some mini quilt to hang in my daughters apt. So I like the have a good day. Thank you for the giveaway

  17. Cute fabrics! How about using them for pouches or mugrugs??

  18. I am making a red/white flower basket quilt. The middle fabric is nothing like what I have and would be great for that project. The top fabric would go in my Picnic quilt. I'm not sure about the bottom one just yet. Hmmmm. Thanks for the chance to win.

  19. Oh Suz! I like these! We need to get together and swap fabric we don't use...hee hee! I think those would work nicely in the Rose and Star blocks!

  20. i would give these a home ,i never seem to have anything to fussy cut so the bottom one looks like it could be !!

  21. I'd probably made a bag and pouch with them...they're cute :) Thanks!

  22. They're so cute! I already have the bottom one (Cosmo Cricket) and the middle one might be from that range too? I agree it really isn't fugly at all!

  23. definitely not fugly! I would make a pouch or a purse of some kind with these beautiful goodies.

  24. I would add them into a scrap quilt - love the reds in all the fabrics.

  25. Love them! Please throw me in the mix!

  26. I would love these fabrics for a cute little apron. Thanks!

  27. I have NO idea what I'd use them for, but I"m following your blog now, because it looks interesting. =) Thanks for giving stuff away. =)

  28. Maybe something for my kitchen...I'd have to look at them for awhile first to see what they wanted to become... ;)
    Very cute fabrics!

  29. Oh, I'd love to give these a good home! I love the bottom fabric especially. I don't know just what I'd make yet, but I'd love to have that text where I could see it often :) thjanks for offering these lovely fabrics!

  30. What cute fuglies!! They *are* SO vintage-y!! LOVE them! :-)

  31. super cute vintages! I'd put them with my little stack on 30's prints until I had a good idea for them, like a sampler quilt. Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. What's cookin good lookin!! These fabrics are cool! Not fugly at all!!

  33. These fabrics are beautiful not fugly.
    If you are will to post to Australia, please count me in,

  34. I'd sure have no trouble finding a use for these. Thanks for the chance!

  35. Oh my gosh, I love your fabrics!! Please enter me :)

  36. I would use the fabrics to make zippy pouches. Fun!

  37. These are no way fuglies! I love the "hey good looking.." print! They would make a really cute apron I think :-)

  38. Are you kidding Suz!!!
    I would hex them up, for sure.

  39. These are cute! Maybe a table topper would be in order... Thanks!

  40. Fuglies? Gah!! Not at all!! I love them! Me please miss, me please!

  41. I think of a cute bag and the first fabric for a girl skirt.

  42. I am new to quilting so I would make a new quilt with them
    Stop by for my quilt givaway to guess my babys b-day and weight.

  43. Love these! I would make a toaster and mixer cover for my kitchen. I think the bottom fabric is from Cosmo Cricket. thanks!

  44. Ooh - your fuglies aren't even fugly! I would definitely use them in quilt blocks! Love them all!

  45. would use them in quilt blocks, i like them . love your header would love to be able to do some of those . maybe someday

  46. Those are great fabrics! I'd use them to make my sister a quilt.

  47. Your peas and carrots look yummy. They are making me hungry - for fabric that is. Love your blog.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Hey, Suz! These aren't even remotely ugly! Very lovely, in fact! Though I know these things are highly subjective! These would all play nice with my stash. I might use these to make potholders and oven mitts for my Mom's cabin at the lake.

  50. All look cute and kind of retro. I think they could be used for zip pouch linings or trims. Thanks for the chance to win!

  51. OMG! I love Cosmo Cricket! I don't know what I would do with them... a quilt top, maybe!

  52. I'd love to win these and make something for my daughter's kitchen.

  53. Oh how. Fun. Well I want to make a red qult this
    Year. Abd I am making 38 donation quilts (with some help) this year. So they will all be put to good use! Btw no fabric is ugly. Just cut it up! Thks. Sherry

  54. Please put my name in the hat for the drawing! I've clicked to be a follower of your blog too.

  55. The first two I'd happily use in quilts, however #3 would probably get framed for the wall!

  56. oh gosh I loooove these fabrics!! that first one is soo cute! I'm making a mini quilt at the moment, and I think that would be just perfect for the binding :)

    I'm also joining in the 'fugly' giveaway party, I've got a stack of heather bailey little folks fabrics up for grabs! Come join in :)

    Jessie, xo

  57. They would be great for a bag! Thanks for the giveaway!

  58. I love the reds. I think these fabrics would look great in the kitchen so I would probably make some placemats or some mug mats. Thank you for giving me a chance to win.

  59. Ooooooooo I am collecting the older American Jane lines and using them for an eclectic hexagon quilt. I already enjoyed sewing 42 hexies out of a peas and carrots charm pack!
    I would use the others in my kitchen, to make some cheery pot-holders, and a cafetierrie cozy.
    Thanks for offering these amazing fabrics!

  60. They would be welcomed in a vintage retro quilt I am designing (in my mind) ... soon to be on paper and then cut into fabric.
    It will be something with a 30's feeling.
    I love them.
    Smiles :-)

  61. To commenter #1 - I have seen #1 the winner several times over the past few months!

    The bottom 2 fabrics are from Early Bird by Cosmo Cricket. I would love to win this since I have been buying that fabric as I find it! I don't have these 2. I hope to make a quilt with it.

  62. Oooo I received a small piece of the bottom fabric in a scrap swap. I incorporated it into a block in a book quilt I have been making and would just love a bit more to include in another book. The zippy fabric would look perfect in the same quilt. Let me give a fugly a home!

  63. How cute !!
    I think I would use them either in a skirt or take some little parts in a bag!

  64. I love the fabrics - fuglieness doesn't come into it here.

  65. Nothing ugly about those! They would end up in some of my bee blocks and maybe my hexie WIP too. Thank you for the chance to win them :)

  66. i love cosmo cricket. i can't tell you what i'd use them for. i'm already hoarding some. but i do love it so :)

  67. Eeeeek please can I have that middle fabric? Have you got any more you'd be willing to swap? Neil and i say that to each other all the time so it would be so fun to have some fabric with the other two on. And none of that is ugly fabric pfft... Pick me Mr random org!

  68. I'd use them to enhance my own stash! Then one day I would cut them up and put them in a quilt, or a pouch, or a pin cushion. But I would promise to love them!!

  69. these fabrics are so adorable. I would love to use them for small pouches. :)

  70. these are just too cute! I would either make some pouches or maybe a pincushion with these.

  71. These are gorgeous! I would use them to make myself a bag to take along to the fq retreat this summer :-)

  72. I just love the Middle red and white fabric. I have a bit of a thing for red and white. I would love to use it as feature panels in a dress for my daughter.

  73. I have some other colorways of the middle fabric and want to make a zigzag quilt with them. Thanks so much for the chance!

  74. Love the fabrics. Hope I win.

  75. I think something for the kitchen would be fun, an apron and some hot pads.
