
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

In Case of an Emergency.....

Have you every wondered how your blogging friends would feel if you fell of the 

face of the earth?

Have you ever come across a blog where the author hasn't posted for weeks or 

months and wondered what happened to them?

What would happen if you got very sick or were in an accident and you weren't 

able to blog?

Well, I have!

So I've put things in place so this doesn't happen...

a little note here, and another one there!

So my loved ones can let my blogging friends know!

* * * * * * *

You may be wondering where these 'odd' thoughts have come from?

Well, I'm in a reflective mood today, as I consider my own mortality...

Because today is my birthday!

Yes, another year older....

And lots to be thankful for too!

Like wonderful friends!

Thank you Helen for my tea bag 'purse'....

and the cute owl card!

And lovely Mary sent me this wonderful looking parcel....

which contained this rainbow of felt...

and the sweetest pattern for pincushions!

I'm going to have a great time with these!

And finally a very unique ring....

Gosh, my hands look much older than the rest of me! LOL!

...made from an antique (well, almost antique!) typewriter key!

Oh, and my very own initial!

Thank you Mary and Helen for making my special day even more special!

Happy days indeed!



  1. Happy, happy Birthday!!! And you better not fall off the face of the Earth or disappear anywhere! There are a whole bunch of people who would miss you terribly :(

    So no more thinking about a year's another year to sew and travel and get emails from your blogging buddies!

  2. Happy Birthday, my friend. I hope it was a wonderful day!

  3. Happy birthday to you! I love your initial presents and you have been very favoured :)It seems a lot of my blogging companions are celebrating this month, including me: and I know just what you mean about hands - when I took a photo of me wearing a necklace I didn't recognise my neck!

  4. Happy birthday and we hope you stick around for a good long time!

  5. Happy Birthday Suze!!
    Morbid (but relevant) thoughts today... I must admit that I have thought about it because people I know have (seemingly) dropped off the face of the earth and worried me at times.
    Hmmm... I will put some thought to a solution to that for me...

  6. Happy Birthday.... wishing you all the best and I hope those notes won't be needed for a long time!!

  7. Hey!! You snuck your birthday in without warning us!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Suz!!!!!! Don't you go disappearing, We'd miss you too much! Such lovely gifts from special friends. I bet your family is spoiling you too! Happy birthday again!

  8. Hope you had a happy day. Today was my son's 30th and let me tell you, that makes you think about getting old too!

  9. Happy Birthday! Have an amazing day!!

  10. Happy Birthday, you kept that one very quiet in advance.
    I hope you had a wonderful day and nobody will need your notes that you've made, for a very very long time.

    If you hear of my early demise, Shay might have something to do with it as she wants my fabric stash.

  11. Happy Birthday. So pleased to see all that spoiling going on. You deserve it!

  12. Joyeux Anniversaire!! Have a good day. Linda x

  13. Interesting you should post this as my b-day is at the end of the month and I've been a little reflective about my age and getting on. You received some wonderful b-day goodies-- enjoy and happy b-day!

  14. Happy Birthday!!!
    Hope there's no emergencies and you enjoy your day :)

  15. Happy Happy Birthday Suz!! I hope your day has been amazing and you spend the next year having a great time!!

  16. Happy Birthday!!! You do indeed have lots of lovely friends all over the world! *grins*

    I have often wondered what would happen to my blog if something happened to me. I have a few actual real-life friends who have an internet presence too but quite how that would work I don't know. Food for thought indeed!!

  17. Happy Birthday! Lovely gifts too!

  18. Happy Birthday, Susan! I hope that you feel very blessed today. Thanks for sharing your gifts with us, and your thoughts on "falling off the face of the earth" are good ones. Recently Google froze all of my accounts and that's how I felt till I got it unfrozen after being alerted by a reader that I had disappeared! (Still don't understand what happened.)

  19. Happy happy Birthday Suz! Don't go dropping off the planet just yet, you haven't finished all that EPP! Plus we'd all miss you too much. Hope you had a wonderful day and enjoyed your lovely gifts x x

  20. Happy birthday!! And I agree with everyone else, please no disappearing off the face of the earth. : )


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