
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yes! I did it!

But it's only temporary!

My header, that is!

As Rachaeldaisy has officially taken possession of my header,

I have made a change!

But I'm not happy with it, so you'll need to keep coming back to see what else I 

can come up with!

In the meantime, look at what has ended up in my mail box recently....

A pretty hexie flower....

Look at that fussy cutting!

And sweet scissors charm from Melody @ A House on the Side of the Hill blog,

With it's silver teddy bear!
Mel makes the prettiest little hexies!

And from Frances @ Quilting Owl

A beautiful diary, a fabulous new ruler and some paper pieces for a cute little pin cushion!

All wrapped up in a lovely piece of French General fabric!

You are very generous ladies!

Thank you!

Happy sewing!



  1. Nice little gifts you have received. I just read your bio...funny, I never did before. I did not know you were a teacher or that you live at a school. I learned something new about my friend today.

  2. So glad you liked your present. Hugs

  3. Such lovely gifts! I like your new header but I'm curious to see what you come up with next...

  4. Can't wait for the real new header!
    Lovely gifts x

  5. Wonderful gifts!!! More tools for the trade, Yay!!! I can't wait to see what you have in mind for the header...I find changing things on the blog kind of like getting a new hair cut!!!

  6. Another great haul! Honestly, you get the best presents ;)

  7. I like the header! But I'll watch for the new improved one. And haven't you been lucky with the post!

  8. Great gifts... And I also like your header. It is so bright and happy. Cheers. LJ


Kind comments welcome!