
Friday, January 6, 2012

I love my Library!

And I LOVE this block!

It is from this book.....

which I borrowed from my local library!

The block came together SO easily!

It starts with five 2 and a half inch strips....

Joined and then folded in half lengthways.

Using my new 60 degree ruler, diamond shapes were cut!

Isn't it pretty?

I played around with the layout but this is what I ended up with!

There are even useable pieces leftover.

Now how will I use these?


or, striped into a row!

This is definitely the beginnings of my new quilt!

I love it!

I'm off to make some more!!

Happy sewing!



  1. They're beautiful Suz!!! Yes, this is a book I'll be pulling off the shelf this year to play with!!

  2. Fabulous. I have to get a 60 degree ruler. You are so clever with your fabric choices.

  3. Wowza Suz!!! I can't wait to get my hands on that book!!! This block is fabulous and your fabric choices are fabulous! I love the way you used the striped fabric - gives it lots of movement!!! I had to look twice to be sure I was on the right blog! Love the new look :)

  4. Very clever! gee, I don't own a 60 deg ruler (must be the only thing I DON'T HAVE!!)... so now I have to get one and make this block... love it!

    The new Header looks fantastic!

    Have a great day sewing!

  5. Great fabric choices, very nice indeed!!

  6. This is a very good reminder to use the local library. Thank you.
    Love the strips you have played with and all the different layouts. I can see that this could lead to quite a few different quilts.
    Can't wait to see what you do!

  7. I just purchased that book on it....your project is going to be so much fun! the new blog header, too.

  8. Thanks for the inspiration. This is a great idea to use a jelly roll!

  9. Love, love, love this - so easy - so effective. Sarah F does some amazing stuff :) Will have to go hunting for that book.

  10. It looks fantastic no matter how you put it.

  11. I'm going to enjoy seeing this come along - beautiful!

  12. Oh this is beautiful, I love your block. Can't wait to see what you do with these.

  13. oh these are gorgeous! Great ruler and it looks like a great book!

  14. mmmm gorgeous!! I love the second layout you did, lok brilliant! How fun :)
    I love the new header too!

  15. That was way easier than I thought it would be. Thanks!

  16. Wow! I must find that book. It's so crazy what different looks you can get by arranging the same pieces in various orientations. Really cool to see. Thanks!

  17. My library NEEDS that book!!!! That is super cool!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  18. Wonderful beginning of a fun quilt.

  19. It's really striking Suz, can't wait to see it in a quilt. Yay for the library!

  20. Your blog is looking wonderful! I keep meaning to get out my 60 degree ruler, your blocks and the combinations are great fun!

  21. Ooooh I LOVE this new project of yours!


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