
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Do you knit?

Patchwork, Quilting and Blogging have been my main creative  

pursuits for a while now...

But I do know how to knit...

In fact, this lovely wool has been waiting patiently for me all winter!

And I really think I will get to it soon, especially if...

 I can find a suitable pattern!

I did manage this quick project.....

Can you guess what it is?

It's a scarf!  Well, sort of!

the perfect little piece of woolly cosiness to wrap snuggly around the neck 

to keep out winter's chills!

I can see many more of these in my future!

And because I can.....

More fabric has been added to my stash!

Happy days!


  1. I cannot knit, I can knot, the same with crochet!

  2. Nice little scarf! Have you heard of thrummed mittens? I made a pair last winter and LOVE them-there is a pattern on Ravelry...check it out-you will want to make a pair!

    Love that purple yarn!

  3. Boo hooo....I do not knit. But Molly does knit....we both wish we could crochet. So learning to knit and crochet are on my list of things to learn. Although, when I look at the price of yarn I am not sure I should learn at all! I can't wait to see what you make with the purple. And the fabric is super!

  4. Hello !! I just found you through your nice friend Miss molly Flanders..I love Your site! I just bought the La Tour Eiffel fabric...but can not decided yet what to do with it...but I love it!
    Your scarf is the pattern ..or use of patterns!! so nice to find another great spot to visit! Happy Day to you!

  5. I knitted. Once. It just never caught on...but I do enjoy crochet and can appreciate your taste in yarn. Very nice. (not to mention taste in fabric. Pretty.)

  6. Beautiful little scarf. I'm thinking of taking up knitting again.

  7. I can knit, but I prefer to crochet these days. It's too hot to knit anything here. Love the scarf.


Kind comments welcome!