
Sunday, September 18, 2011

The calm...

before the storm!

One last week of school term, punctuated by 2 nights of parent teacher 

interviews until 


So I treated myself this weekend to....

some sewing-

The Twist and Shout quilt is finished!

While buying the binding fabric at my LQS, 

I saw a quilt..... 

This is NOT my quilt - but isn't it beautiful?

which has inspired me to use some of my favourite fabric.

I also finished up Helen's cushion....

simply quilted with some of my new Aurifill thread.

And I bought myself a copy of this....

Yes, I know - I am late to the Farmer's Wife craze,

but I just had to see what all the fuss was about!

I am playing with the idea of having some of these prepared for 

short machine sewing sessions!

So when an hour of opportunity presents its self, 
it won't wasted fluffing about, wondering what to do...

Choosing blocks and fabrics is the next step...

But that will definitely need to wait until the holidays!

Happy sewing!

(I have a couple of posts prepared given the busy week I'll be having!)



  1. Love love love Twist and Shout and you can't go wrong with lovely spotty dotty binding.
    Love the fabrics in the LQS quilt, especially the border fabric, yum.
    Helen is going to love her cushion, it;s very pretty.

  2. Love the Twist and Shout quilt, very nicely done. Welcome to the Farmer's Wife Sampler quilt phenomenon- watch out it is a addictive and so much fun.

  3. Love the way the Twist and Shout quilt has finished up. Gorgeous binding, too.
    Good luck with the Farmer's Wife blocks. Lots of work but wonderful, too.
    Hope your week goes well. I loved teaching but I honestly do not miss P/T interviews. I have no prob talking to parents about their children but I hated the rushed 10 min sessions going on for hours. By the end of the night it feels like a blur. The one good part is you know the holidays are only a few days away!

  4. Oh you are good! Twist 'n' Shout looks great, FWQAL and school hols - luck you!

  5. That's a missing 'y' not a different typo!

  6. Still love the Twist and Shout! I really like the extra borders on the top and bottom...very neat! Helen's cushion is so sweet...she will love it :) The quilt from your LQS is lovely! And it will make a great scrappy quilt for your favorite fabrics. Let me know what you think of the Farmer's Wife. I have not looked at the book yet - afraid I will be tempted! Have a good week :)

  7. Yay for holidays! Hope the last week goes fast - can't wait to see your Farmers Wife blocks.

  8. Wonderful inspiration and I too have the Farmers Wife book sitting beside my chair. I will probably start these blocks in 2012 after the Civil War quilt blocks are done with. Take care.

  9. Twist and Shout looks wonderful. I love the way it turned out. I hope you find joy with the Farmer's wife. She and I are not friends was me, not her.

  10. Oh, man. *sighs* I LOVE that quilt! I am definitely going to try and handquilt my Christmas quilt, I just adore how it looks! And that cushion rocks my socks!

  11. Your Twist and Shout is wonderful. Well done.

  12. I Agree can't go past a Spotty Binding & it looks Great on your Quilt...

  13. Your quilt is amazing. So bright and cheery. I love the polka dot binding.
    <3 Dotty

  14. Lovely quilt!
    Thanks for the link party I've found some great blogs through it!


  15. Twist and Shout is fabulous!! I love the perle stitching!! Oh Farmers Wife, I really am tempted! I just have to finish a few hundred WIPs first. I hope your busy week goes smoothly! No need to reply, I understand you'll be busy!! :)

  16. I love your little twist and shout quilt, and your gorgeous cushion..

  17. I LOVE the Twist & Shout Quilt....beautiful!


Kind comments welcome!