
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

OUT- Mod Mosaic...

IN..... Traditional Mosaic!

I was a little sad to say goodbye to this block....

for my Modern Sampler!

But it just wasn't doing it for me!

So while looking for inspiration I found Lee's Summer Sampler Series, over at 

Freshly Pieced...

which included a Mosaic block!

(I have followed Lee's lovely blog since she was sent me a beautiful quilt as part 

of DQS10!)

So this is what I have made!

Lee's directions were spot on!

She even advises the best way to iron the seams, resulting in a VERY neat block!

Sometimes the seams were ironed opened, sometimes one way!
Even the back is pretty!

So all blocks for the Modern Sampler are now complete.

I have now set about making some blocks all the same size.....

and adding some flying geese....

But that's a story for another day!

Happy sewing!



  1. Suz,
    Great SEWing on the front and back. Love the blue color, it sets off the prints SEW well.

    Happy quilting

  2. I can't wait to see how this one all comes together.

  3. Love how you used that blue background!! Can't wait to see the finished piece!

  4. Yay...the new block is great! Your modern sampler will be fantastic...cant wait to see it all together!

  5. Great blocks. I love the green and blue together.

  6. Yes, It's perfect!! Your other block could be a matching cushion? Thanks for showing us the back, there's a real art to ironing seams. Its been fun seeing this quilt evolve.

  7. It's looking good! Can't wait to see it all together.

  8. It looks great, Suz! Beautiful colors, and I can't wait to see how it looks in the final quilt. Glad you liked the tutorial! : )


Kind comments welcome!