
Friday, April 8, 2011

The Decision has been made!

Yes I've made a decision!

Thank you to all those who took the time to comment on my bird cage block....

I've decided to make it into a pillow.

Val said something that rang true with me...

.....that she loves to be able to handle and touch her projects!

And when Kirsty said it would look great with a brooch on it I knew the decision    

had been made!

And as I have little wall space to display too many mini quilts at the moment, a 

pillow it is!

So I machine quilted the back to make it really special...

And it didn't really need anything else!

Except for maybe a special bird brooch!

It's taking pride of place on my bed...and when my husband commented on it, I 

knew I'd made the right decision!

I'm entering it in the final month of the Blogger's Pillow Party

over at Stitched in Color.

Pop over and check out the other lovely pillows entered!

Happy sewing!



  1. It does look lovely, I think you made a great choice.

  2. I think it makes a gorgeous pillow! Good choice

  3. I love it Suz! And what a great idea to enter it into the Blogger's Pillow Party. Good luck!!! I am headed over to check it out.

  4. It's so gorgeous! I really love the back too, great colours. You'll have to scour for a nice little birdie brooch, I'm sure there will be plenty for sale there. Lovely work!

  5. Beautiful finish. Again, your handquilting is the spectacular final touch. Lovely!

  6. Love the pillow. You don't want a lumpy bird. What about hang a little fabric bird from a ribbon attached at the top :)

  7. Your birdcage is just awesome and to make it a pillow, just wonderful!

  8. What a lovely piece of art! Your sewing is so precise. I really like the back too. Thanks for joining in on the Pillow Party!


Kind comments welcome!