
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bits and Pieces!

I've had a rather productive week!

I LOVE this block!

Its called "Snow Blossoms" and I found it on Quilter's Cache...

But I originally saw the idea here on Flick'r.

Krista has lots of wonderful variations on her photostream

I've had my Michael Miller Eiffel Tower print for ages....

 (Almost two years from memory)... and I was really scared cutting into it!

As it is fussy cut, there will probably be a lot of waste.

But not as much if I had foundation pieced it.

I did a practice one first and then decided to cut the pieces individually.

Not sure whether I will make any more of these blocks or even if I have enough fabric to make more of the same.

Perhaps I could make more in a similar colour palette?

Or even use the same fabrics for a variety of block designs?

I also finished machine quilting and binding on my pram quilt.

And edge finished the fabric for my Embroider-Bee blocks.

Now to decide on some embroidery patterns....
 I finished this pin cushion which is a gift...

I'd cross stitched the cherries AGES ago and decided they needed to be loved a 

little bit more!

And the Dresden wedges from Lily's Quilts QAL have had a bit of a facelift.....

Their size was a bit overwhelming for me so I have split them into four and have something different planned... 

Until next time.....

Happy Sewing!



  1. The snow blossoms block is very interesting. I looked at the flickr photos. Your pram quilt is lovely and I have yet to try dresdin wedges. I might buy a special wedge ruler first. I love the little pincushion. You have lots of sewing things happening :)

  2. I love that snow blossoms block and it looks so good with the Eiffel Towers - interested to know what you have planned for the QAL - they are huge aren't they?! Can you put those pics in the group pages on Flickr? Please? Pretty please?! Your DQS seems to have been well received! Love the border with the squares on that

  3. So clever - it really looks great with the Eiffel Towers. Sometimes it's so hard to cut into fabrics that you love, I'm always scared I won't do them justice, but this block is just lovely!

  4. Love the block! I do think it would be fantastic to have them all different fabrics! Your quilting looks so nice on the the pram quilt...I don't have the patience to machine stitch chains...yours look very nice! And the pincushion is so sweet:)
    Productive week - indeed!

  5. I love this block too, it's been on my to-do list for a while now! Yours looks beautiful!

  6. You've done a lot in a week, I love the block and the fussy cutting looks neat. I love the pincushion too, you make some great things.

  7. I love your Eiffel tower block!!! You've been so busy!! Love your little cherry pin cushion- it's a Cheery Cherry Pinnie!

  8. Love your Eiffel Tower block - thanks for the shout out! Definitely the fussy cutting wasted a ton of fabric, but my bee members really liked them and it was fun to play with fabric motifs and the Snow Blossom design. Your cherry pinnie is adorable, too!


Kind comments welcome!