
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Potty McDotty!

No, I wasn't attracted to this pattern because of its name!

It was more the lovely pots of appliqued flowers!

I saw the original quilt in a quilt shop recently and just 

had to buy the pattern!

It's by Irene Blanck of Focus On Quilts.

I made all the background pieces first and may, or may 

not, stay with this layout.

But it is good to have a plan and a record of it.

The slow sewing is very relaxing!

I often prep the blocks in the daylight hours....

and stitch away in the evenings!

I'm limiting the colour palette to blues, aquas, greens, 

yellows and light oranges

I listened to this wonderful audiobook while stitching 

this block.....

Looking at these now I am wishing I had varied the 

placement of the flowers or leaves in each block,

maybe curving them in the opposite direction.

Maybe I will do that with the next ones!

Happy sewing,




  1. Your flower blocks are beautiful! I love Irene's quilts, she a wonderful designer. Happy stitching!

  2. WOW! It is going to be awesome. Thanks for sharing your progress. Take care & hugs.

  3. Wow--you have made a lot of the blocks, and they are so fun to see. I love the name of the quilt, and I think the color scheme is going to be wonderful in all these pots of flowers. I need to get myself an evening stitching project, too!

  4. This looks like a fun design. Lovely fabric, too.
    I can see why it caught your eye.

  5. I like this pattern. I'm working on prepping quilts for our guild's quilt show coming up late next month. Once I get that finished I'll need to decide on a new project to work on. I'm doing the big stitch hand quilting on my version of Wendy Williams' Bird on a Wire but can work on it only so long at the time. I need another piecing project to work on too.

  6. Well, the pattern name alone sure attracts attention! The design knew what she was doing! :-) Your blocks are so pretty. I just love some nice hand-appliqué. Curious... are you matching your thread colors to the fabrics, or do you stitch with a neutral thread? This will be so pretty when it's all together. It's good to know your book suggestion too. Did you like it? Recommend it?

  7. oooooh! Those blocks are wonderful. It's going to look fabulous in the color scheme you've chosen.


Kind comments welcome!