
Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Go-Es-Car-Go...a finish!

This quilt top has been together for over a month now....

So I decided to bite the bullet and get quilting.


Basting didn’t take long,


but the quilting certainly did!


If I ever consider quilting swirls again,


I need someone to take my sewing machine away until 

I have come to my senses.


I used almost an entire spool of Aurifil thread,


and I lost count of how many bobbins I wound!


I wonder whether the swirls contributed to the bouts of 

vertigo I experienced during this time! 

To say I am glad it is finished is an 

It finishes at about 58” square, and my second quilt for 


I finished it with black and white stripe binding.

I couldn't resist taking this photo.....

snails do 'go slow' after all!

In retrospect, that would have made a good name for this quilt!

Thankfully the rain stopped and we had a chance to get 

some decent photos.....

because this was the sky as we went for a walk earlier 

in the day!


Lifetime Quilt #143

Happy sewing!




  1. It turned out beautiful. Your swirls are fine. You did a good job on them. I do know what you mean though. I find that an allover repeating design like that can get boring to quilt and it becomes a chore. I recently did a simple meander and thought I would never get done! Thanks for sharing. Loved all the pics.

  2. Your snail trail quilt is gorgeous. I love the swirls on it, they look like snails. Well worth the effort and thread.

  3. It is beautiful. I love all the happy colors

  4. What a great finish!! Love those colors!

  5. I LOVE it and all the hero shots. You got in a walk! It's rained here in West Gippsland constantly for the last few days and I'm getting cabin fever.(giggle). Yes, you probably did have vertigo after all the swirls, as I've experienced similar which I'll tell you about one day. Where is that amazing blue bubble type mural? Take care & hugs.

  6. Wow, what a stunner. The quilting looks absolutely fabulous. Love the photo shoot around Melbourne too.

  7. Lovely snails! I love making quilt top but actually quilting them? Not so much, so I usually "quilt by check" is you know what I mean. Got one of mostly aboriginal fabrics on the design wall. Need to get the blocks sews together and done.

  8. This is such a happy quilt! The swirl quilting is perfect, too. Congratulations on a great second quilt for 2022!

  9. What a pretty finish, Susan! Such a happy, colorful quilt. I've never pieced a Snail's Trail block, but I've seen a lot of them being made. You did a great job. Personally, I like quilting swirls all over a quilt. It's great free motion quilting practice, and is an especially good design for charity quilts. Basically, I learned to perfect my free motion quilting skills by quilting this design on many quilts. All those curves seem to suit the linear graphicness of a pieced quilt. You chose your design well, and good for you!

  10. Lovely finish!! I do enjoy this design and it is wonderful to see all your happy colours in this quilt.
    You may have complained about all the quilting, but it does look great.
    Glad you had some sunshine for the photos. It has been a rare sight lately. But that view out over the water is stunning!

  11. I love your Snails Trail quilt! So much fun scrappiness and the quilting is perfect for that pattern. That is a lot of work!
    I also like seeing all your backdrops--so many fun ones now that you are living at the beach. Loved seeing them all with you wonderful quilt!


Kind comments welcome!