
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

My garden is growing...

This was what I shared last time.....

Four little birds have been pieced...

Then added to the corners with some low volume 


Finally, some more random low volume squares and rectangles were added to the next round,

and finally a 2" border.

I still need to add some French knots as eyes for the 

little birdies!

I'm looking forward to 'planting' some flowers in that 

low volume border....

In the meantime, here is a photo of my beetroot 


Pickling seems to be the option my husband, the cook 

of the family has chosen!

Happy days!






  1. Oh, I love it just as it is. The birds are darling and don't need a distraction.

  2. Hello Suz,
    this birds you made for the corners are so nice! I will keep this pattern in mind for one of my next quilts.
    Hugs, Doris :o)

  3. Lovely. I really like the low volume prints you used and your birds are so sweet. Wish my husband was the cook because I sure don't enjoy cooking.

  4. Lovely work on your birds. They look great against the low volume background. Now we have to wait for the flowers.
    Your beetroot look like a good crop. Always delicious. I am pleased you have enjoyed your garden.

  5. Your garden quilt is looking interesting. Good looking beetroot too.

  6. Loving your mix of restricted colour and low volumes! And those birds are so cute!

  7. I love the way you narrate your stitching, leading us along as you plant your beautiful garden. I really love your version in the blues and greens, one I would probably make if I were to do this again. Thank you for playing along with me!

    I love beetroot but have never been able to grow it successfully, so your harvest makes me jealous in a good way. Pickled beets are the best! We also like to scrub them, douse them them olive oil, S&P then roast them wrapped in foil in a high heat oven for an hour. Enjoy!


Kind comments welcome!