
Saturday, February 27, 2021

Relishing Retirement

After a minor health issue recently,

retirement is starting to agree with me!

 I seem to be busier than ever!

I love the freedom of being able to look after my 

grandchildren when needed!

I've found time to prepare all the octagon square 

blocks for my Bessie Creek Rd quilt,

which I'll finish by hand piecing.

These are the ones I've made so far!

I've finished the embroidery on my 

Daisy Love Purse....

now to make it into a zippy pouch!

I recently purchased this lovely soft laminated cotton 

from Frou Frou, a Parisian company.

I want to make a drawstring bag for travelling.

Finally, on the sewing front, I drafted a couple of 

LeMoyne Stars for a small project I am planning.

Finally, I have been tagged in a couple of Instagram 

posts recently,

with versions of my Scrappy Sandwiches tutorial,

 being made by girls on a quilt retreat in the United 


It is very humbling knowing that my little blogposts 

reach so far!

 Happy days indeed!



  1. I am very pleased to see that retirement is agreeing with you. it is wonderful to have the time to do what you want!!
    These blocks are looking wonderful, too.

  2. Hi Suz,
    Gratulations to your retirement.Enjoy the time.( I still have about 2 years to go...)
    The prolects you are working on look very interesting.
    I am always impressed about the fabric choices you made.
    Looking forward to see them finished.
    Happy stitching Doris :o)

  3. Glad you are enjoying retirement, though it was certainly a memorable year to start it. Well done with all your projects & how lovely to have your scrappy quilt being made by so many all round the world. Take care & stay safe.

  4. Yay for not caring that it's Monday, and even sometimes forgetting exactly what day of the week it is! It's good to know you're enjoying yourself with projects. And grandkids. Your handwork looks good. I see hand-piecing, and do you have English paper-piecing there too?

  5. So much beautiful colour in your post! I hope you're fully recovered now. Wonderful to hear you're enjoying retirement so much. There is no time to be bored.

  6. Enjoy your retirement. How did I miss that you had two grandchildren?
    One of the joys of being a sewer is that you'll never run out of things to keep you occupied.

  7. So glad you’re enjoying retirement, no more Sunday night dread, right. Lovely to see for the first time a pic of your two grandchildren, I’ve only seen photos of Eli. Your projects are wonderful, as always, and inspiring.

  8. What a very full life you now have, with retirement opening up your days to fun and family and quilting. I love that the ladies in Nebraska found your tutorial, and are putting it up on IG--it's a great one and I love their results. Your blocks are coming along well -- you you have an Accuquilt cutter? The rounded shapes at the points made me wonder. It's all looking so great! Happy retirement!

  9. Retirement is indeed wonderful. We still have grandkids here two days a week for online school--that may change after spring break the beginning of April. Lots of nice projects going on. :)


Kind comments welcome!