
Sunday, September 1, 2019

Tilting At Windmills

I thought long and hard about the name for this 


Firstly, the working title was "Whirlygig".

The designer's official name is now Pirouettes.

But as my quilt is being given to a little boy named 

Xavier, that wasn't going to work.

I considered "Blade Runner" but, if you know the 

film, that felt a little aggressive.

Eventually, I settled on "Tilting At Windmills"

I liked the 'fighting the demons'  aspect associated 

with this line from Don Quixote,

as little Xavier has put up a good fight in his short 


Maybe this quilt will give him some love and 

strength to continue to grow and thrive!

Mr PnP and I took a walk with this quilt this morning,

and these photos were taken then.

Happy Father's Day to the best 'quilt holder'....

It was his suggestion to take this route where we 

had lots of options for photos!

Dimensions: 49" by 66"
Quilt finish #11 for 2019
#115 all-time quilt 

Happy days!



  1. Such a lovely quilt for a little boy. I’m sure he will love it to pieces. The photo’s have the atmosphere of a Japanese garden! Happy Father’s day! We celebrate that day in June.

  2. You've done it again, Susan! You've created another gorgeous quilt. Love the colors, and seeing how quickly you put this together. Even better is that you already have a home for it. That's very generous of you, and I hope it will be well-loved. Your quilt-holder did a super job! Love the pic of the quilt at the gazebo, with the colorful plants in front of it. Perfect. Once Dorian leaves our area, I have a finish from several weeks ago that needs photographed! May I borrow your quilt-holder?

  3. What a lovely quilt--and, just a perfect title...hugs, Julierose

  4. It feels like a happy quilt to me and the name seems to fit just right. Congrats on another finish for the year. It's lovely.

  5. I love everything about your quilt: the fabric, the fabric combos, the quilting choices, and the pattern. Especially love the pattern. And, of course, all the photos. Rewards to the quilt holder. Well done.

  6. Ooooo, pretty! Love this pattern too, who's is it and where can I find it? These fabrics are wonderful too. soft but boy-ish too.

  7. A lovely quilt! And great photos out & about!

  8. What a lucky boy to receive such a cute quilt!

  9. I love this pattern. You did a great job. Looks great.

  10. Lovely finish. This has turned into a delightful quilt with the fabrics and colour combinations you chose. It sounds like it is going to a very special little boy.

  11. Perfect name and I loved the places where you photographed the quilt. How generous of you to gift such a lovely and fun quilt; I'm sure the little guy will love it. Beautiful!!


Kind comments welcome!