
Sunday, September 9, 2018


I've had more success with my clothes sewing lately!

Last weekend I made this skirt..... 

from this pattern.

And ordered this fabric....

to make this pattern!

Clothes, when they work, are much quicker to make 

than quilts!

Although a touch of Spring weather yesterday...

has me dreaming of a quilt from my stash of AMH 


Happy sewing!



  1. Love your skirt! Those AMH voiles are to die for! What quilt would you like to make out of them?

  2. You always have such fun work going on in your creative world. The skirt is darling and those fabrics are yummy.

  3. A lovely skirt! And those voiles look very tempting...

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  5. I'll have to check out the pattern for that skirt. Have you seen this voile and loominous quilt - wonder if you could use yours in something like this

  6. Great skirt! Isn't it so wonderful when it works.
    And it looks like you could have a lovely play with those fabrics. Have fun!

  7. To tired and it's first thing in the morning ......
    Lovely shirt...... I've also got some fabrics to make some shirts.... Now to find time to make them... ...

  8. //Wish I found it easier to fit clothes on myself. It was so much easier when I was a teen and didn't know the ins and outs of good fit and colors that look good and all that good stuff. I find it easy to sew for others, but difficult to sew for myself. I should find a good reference and go through the whole process of making a sloper that mimics my body, scoliosis and aging belly and all that good stuff! Congrats. And enjoy the upcoming spring. We are just moving into fall, so it'll be a long time until I feel spring again. Wish I were one of those gazillionaires who had houses all over the world to match the season and my mood!

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