
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Some progress...

if a little slow!

I love making these Dresden Plate blocks....

and the numbers are growing.

To vary things up, I have made some with just two 

different fabrics...

a little less scrappy, but fun nevertheless!

This is how the scrappy ones are looking...

on their patched backgrounds.

I'm looking forward to some more sewing time on 

the weekend.

Linking up with Sew, Stitch, Snap, Share

Happy sewing!



  1. These are coming along nicely and love both versions....I can see that these could become addicting very easily....nice colors too!

  2. Beautiful. That is going to be a gorgeous quilt.

  3. love blue and green combos, your blocks are lovely!

  4. Oh Susan! These are so pretty! You’ve chosen such a lovely color combo. I’ve always been intrigued by Dresdens, which is perhaps why I’ve been smitten lately by wedge quilts. I’m happy you’re enjoying making these plates. They’re gonna look so great all together!

  5. I love your Dresden Plates, very pretty combinations! Thanks for sharing with 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

  6. Love all these cool blues and greens! The dragonflies on blue is my favorite fabric in this batch :)

  7. Your blocks are looking great. I've never made Dresden Plate before.

  8. Beautiful! I'm looking forward to weekend stitching too!!! Why can't we have 5 day weekends and 2 day work weeks? lol!

  9. I am loving the way these blocks are turning out.
    And I think the way you are doing the backgrounds as very effective, too.
    The colours are working so well!!

  10. Beautiful!! I started smiling at the very beginning of the quilt block show and kept that smile on my face clear to the end. I especially love the two-fabric combo of the dragonflies and flowers. I also really love that four-patch background: wonderful way to show off those Dresdens!

  11. That's good progress! Lovely greens and blues and your choices for the backgrounds are perfect.

  12. Your Dresden blocks are looking fantastic. Loving the patchy background

  13. Blue and green combos is one of my favorites, the four-patch background is perfect for your beautiful blocks.

  14. What size did these blocks end up? In my mind they are quite large... but that really has no reference... and they could just as easily be tiny.

  15. I love your dresden blocks! Such fresh colors! So wonderful!

  16. This is showing the richness of what must be a fabulous stash.


Kind comments welcome!