
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Fairhaven blocks...

named for a well known Victorian beach!

There were three of these to make this month.

And I knew before the templates even arrived that I 

was constructing them my way!

Making all those Chuck Nohara blocks taught me a 

lot about block construction.

There was no way I was cutting these weird shapes, 

even with the templates. 

And piecing all those curves!

So I made 3.5" HSTs...

laid out my orange peel shapes.....

joined some sections and used applique to finish 

them off!

So I have nine blocks now, and its time for another 

 group shot!

I believe the next round of blocks, five in all, can be 

machine pieced!


Happy days!



  1. I love these blocks; I would have made them just the way you did. For me, why make them harder than they need to be--the results are just as beautiful. Again, wonderful fabric choices.

  2. These are looking really good! And I think it's fabulous that you figured out a way to make them your own, and even better. Appliqué was the right choice, I think, as I can't imagine sewing that curve, twice, and getting it to ease in accurately. Well done, you!

  3. Chuck Nohara used to have a show of work by her and her students, every year at a department store in Tokyo. I like your fabric choices way better and when I first looked at that block, I wondered if the block wouldn't look just as good without the orange peels.Your solution works ... and if it works, it is the "right" way.

  4. Holy cow--I can't even imagine piecing them following the pattern! All of your blocks are wonderful--love them!

  5. Your blocks are beautiful! Clever way to solve the orange peel stitching!

  6. I like your thinking when it comes to construction. You have really applied the saying - work smarter not harder! They are looking great especially when together!

  7. OK yeah, I see why you modified the block construction. That original block instructions were crazy... just imagine the distortion! Your solution makes much more sense.

  8. You found a perfect solution and your blocks look awesome!

  9. Those curves looked tricky, I would have hand sewn them too. All your blocks are looking fabulous together.

  10. Great idea the appliqued peels! Gorgeous blocks!

  11. As usual, you are brilliant in your block-making. I never thought about what I had gained from our Chuck experience, and you are right in that we learned many different way to make blocks, and to make them precisely, since we were working in such small dimensions. I think these blocks turned out beautifully, and appliquéing on that orange peel slice was a stroke of genius!

  12. All of your blocks are looking so wonderful - the colours work so well together.


Kind comments welcome!