
Friday, June 30, 2017

Gridster's Bee- June and July

For June, Mary asked for Confetti Stars...

made from this tutorial.

I have made this pattern before but didn't realise 

that when I'd printed it out, it was a little small!

But the pattern I'd traced was used for my own 

Gridster Sampler quilt blocks....

For July, Carol wanted a block to help her celebrate 

America's special day...

And I made a practice block first....

to become part of my sampler!

The very easy-to-follow tutorial can be found here.

And here are all my blocks together!

Happy sewing!



  1. I will be using these tutorials, and, as always, thank you so very much for sharing. I love those stars, and the flag blocks are phenomenal.

  2. Love that pattern for the stars. They looks great. That will turn into a wonderful quilt.
    And I like the US themed block as well, especially the colourway you chose for yours.
    You are busy!!

  3. (I've been traveling so am just now catching up with my emails/blogs!)

    Fun to see your stars and flag blocks for the Gridsters Bee. Like Karen above, I love the colors your chose for your own flag block--it's really great fun! Mary's blocks look terrific as well.


Kind comments welcome!