
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Pulling out a WIP!

I decided it was time I pulled out my 

New York Beauty blocks

One of the new ones is here....
and add to them!

While they do take some time....

they are very satisfying to make!

playing with the fabric combinations!

I do love how they look together!

They are only 8" finished, so it won't be a large 


I am now thinking about how I might sash them,

which may involve flying geese.

I think they need some breathing space!

Happy sewing!



  1. They are fantastic, Suz! You've used some luscious colours and done some fun fussy cuts. Can't wait to see how you finish them!

  2. NY beauties are always a sure thing for me. They never cease to amaze. (Don't overlook Jane Sassaman's diamonds and triangles for a cheater sashing for these lovely blocks.)

  3. I love these! It's a great way to get heaps of variety happening, and I've always loved lots of spots!

  4. These are looking so good - I love seeing all the different fabric combos . I like the idea of flying geese, just don't like making them - I tend to lose my side points.
    Have a fabulous weekend.

  5. Susan, did you paper piece all of this?

  6. It is lovely to see these being added to. They are wonderful blocks and you make them so well.
    I agree about the sashing. I think you will appreciate the individuality of the blocks a lot more if there is some separation.

  7. Now I can't wait to see what you'll put in that last empty square! Everything is looking so beautiful. I spy mine!

  8. Oh. I love that !!! Any size, it is going to be a winner.

  9. wow what great blocks! love those details.

  10. It's great to see you pulling out and working on a UFO. I admire your tenacity to finish this. It's gonna be a lovely quilt. Hope you're enjoying every step of the process. That's what we're supposed to do! :-)

  11. These blocks are definitely beauties; they just shows your wonderful talent of combining fabrics and sewing skills. I can see adding sashing but I can see it without because I like the secondary fabric combinations. As usual, I can't wait until you're finished. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Yes, these certainly are looking stunning. I have seen them set into blocks with four arcs and sashing with a dramatic cornerstone creating a focal point... then those blocks are then sashed with a wider sashing. Sort of gives all the NY Beauties a bit of breathing space. Well, that certainly sounds confusing :o) I'm sure whatever you come up with will be perfect!

  13. Beautiful blocks make a beautiful quilt!!!

  14. Flying geese sashing could be fun - it would reflect the pointy triangular bits in the New York beauty blocks. Good idea!


Kind comments welcome!