
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Oh Christmas Tree I love you!

I love everything about this quilt!

I wonder if that has to do with the relative ease it 

came together!

Yes it was a lot of work, but I had no real problems 

with it from start to finish...

Well, maybe these were a challenge- I don't do wonky!

Even the machine quilting, which initially I thought 

was horrid, 

seemed to relax, with the stitches meshing into the 


Hand quilting at Christmas 2016

After making over 80 quilts, I always struggle with 

finishing the binding.

This time I used this tutorial - I did it the first time, 

and got a perfect finish!

I remembered to prepare and add the label while

attaching the binding.

I did stars in amongst the swirly quilting

Thank you Elizabeth for starting me on this journey!

Ok, enough of the teasing progress shots....

Here it is...

Mr PnP obligingly helped with the photo shoot today!

These photos were taken outside the school I work at...

I couldn't find any Christmas trees for a back drop, 

so these topiaries will have to do...

Now I just need to think about whether I store this 

away til December, 

or display it somewhere to look at everyday!

I'd love to know what you do, 

Elizabeth or Wendy?

They ran an awesome QAL last year,

and made beautiful quilts here and here!

Finished details:

Pattern by Wendy Williams
Machined pieced and hand appliqued
Machine and Hand Quilted
Final Size: 54" x 63"

Happy sewing!


  1. Now I think I want to make one of these - it's beautiful Susan. I love the wonky stars, the quilting, everything. Maybe you can have a mid-winter Christmas party and have it out for decoration then.

  2. Oh! happy day!! This looks so beautiful, Susan, and I love the setting for photographing the quilt. (Remember how I had to do mine in a parking lot? Yours is much better). Congratulations on finishing this, and having it several months early for Christmas. Mine is tucked away, but I can see how it might be more fun to leave it out. Again, super job--it's wonderful!

  3. I like how you switched the bottom of the tree to include the nativity. Elizabeth did something similar, I think. I don't know who inspired who, but I think you are both clever.

  4. It's really pretty, Susan! I'm happy for you to have made it because I don't think I could have. Mostly because I've never worked with wool (can't imagine the hassle of searching out and buying something ELSE to add to my stash), and I haven't put out Christmas or holiday decorations for at least seven years. I'm not anti any of that, it just doesn't seem necessary when no one visits us. You, however, have a lovely quilt, and I hope it gives you many seasons of enjoyment.

  5. This is a wonderful finish, Susan. I love everything you have done wit this quilt. Beautiful work with all the felt pieces and and piecing the stars. Great work with the quilting and I love the spotty binding.
    This quilt definitely needs to stay out for a while to be admired. Then put it away for a little while so that it can be a nice surprise again when Christmas comes around.

  6. It turned out so beautifully! I'd have to keep it close to hand, otherwise I would forget where it was stored by the time Christmas rolled around. :)

  7. This is fantastic! I think you should look at it every day :)

  8. I've loved watching this come together - it's truly wonderful.


Kind comments welcome!