
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Another Foxy finish!

A very special baby quilt had been on my 'to-do' list

for quite some time now.

So I finally settled on this pattern...

from Anna Graham's book "Handmade Style."

A modern, simple design for a modern mum!

Soft green and peach were the designated colour 


which has left it open to be a quilt for a girl or boy,

don't you think?

At this stage it was a square...

but I am happier with a rectangular quilt,

so I added a peach border all the way round, 

and a piano key border to either end ....

with the leftover 

grey and white pieces.

I kept the quilting simple- to straight lines down the 


Binding in waiting...
Love this print- very appropriate for a baby!

to maintain a certain softness.

"Nature Walk" by Tamara Kate on the back too

And more of this paint style print for the back!

Now I need to wait for baby to be born,

before I add the label!

Looks like everyone will be left guessing...

From today's baby shower....

Happy days!



  1. Super cute, and I love how you made it a rectangle. Very nice!

  2. Gorgeous quilt. LOVE the colours.

  3. Very creative..soft and lovely

  4. What an adorable baby quilt! I love the modern designs of Anna Graham and you have chosen such lovely fabrics. A perfect gift!

  5. What a lovely gift, the backing fabric is lovely. Always nice to have a surprise when the baby is born. Both of mine were.
    Are you back at work now?

  6. A gorgeous quilt! I love the green & peach together, perfect for either boy or girl!

  7. What a beautiful quilt to welcome a sweet baby. It's perfectly unisex. Love the embroidered label.

  8. Wonderful quilt Susan. The cake was pretty cute too.

  9. Handmade gifts for babies are extra special, somehow. This one is sure to be well loved.

  10. Love the fabric choices AND the binding. Super cute baby quilt!

  11. I love all plus quilts! This is so pretty!!!

  12. How perfect for any boy or girl! I have one also on hold for a label (and a block to quilt in the name).

  13. Looks like the perfect match of fabric and pattern... isn't that fox fabric super cute! Bet mum and bubs will enjoy it immensely.

  14. Yay! Our shared purchase foxy fabric got centre stage! What lovely soft colours you put together.

  15. Great choice of design for the quilt. This one has worked out really well. I like your idea of making it a rectangle - a simple change and very effective.
    This is a beautiful gift.

  16. Everything about this quilt is wonderful and am happy that you had a great time at the baby shower. I think your choice of colors and the way you designed it by making it a rectangle is all perfection. Congratulations on the job well done, almost-grandmother!


Kind comments welcome!