
Sunday, April 24, 2016

The blog post with no name....

Autumn is in full swing in Melbourne....

I am planning a whole cloth quilt with this Nani Iro

double gauze,

for a baby due in August.

I had a mini charm pack of these pretty fabrics....

that quickly turned into this drawstring bag.

And my English paper pieced blue wren....

is ready to be appliqued, 

as soon as I get the papers removed!

I've also been playing with this combination...

as the Four-In-Art, May 1st deadline looms.

Happy sewing!



  1. Looking good Suz! That wren's a bit of cutie, isn't it? It's funny, I would have only thought to FPP that, as whenever I think of uneven shapes that's what comes to mind. I only think of even, symmetrical designs (hexies, diamonds etc) when I think EPP. Obviously I need to broaden my mind!

  2. I impulsively bought some double gauze from Sunny Day Supply for a similar project – a wholecloth baby quilt. I had to have it because it is so beautiful. Now I am wondering whether I need more for the other side. What will you back your baby quilt with?

  3. It looks lovely at your house, pretty plants, beautiful projects.

  4. Beautiful! I especially love the sweet bird you're ready to applique. Although I must say, the charm pack made up into a very lovely bag. Great work, as always! Thanks for carving out the time to share it.

  5. You're total indpiration with that drawstring bag and the wren is just a love. How are you liking the Nani Iro far?

  6. Lots of creative projects to enjoy, along with the stunning colours of autumn! The Blue Wren looks wonderful!

  7. So much to look at in this post. I love that wee bird. Where did you get the pattern from?

  8. Lovely projects - your Blue Wren looks so beautiful.

  9. Oh your little blue wren is so lovely! Like Carla (grannymaudsgirl) I'd love to know what you back a double gauze quilt with?

  10. lovely! Can't wait to see more of your whole-cloth quilt!

  11. It's funny...we have spring :)) Lovely little bird, so many small pieces !

  12. That paper pieced bird! So gorgeous. And I'm a little envious that you are heading into fall and we are heading into summer. I would prefer fall and spring to be the seasons I live in year around.

  13. This post is full of gorgeous projects!!

  14. Oh my, but your autumn colors are lovely! That wall is just gorgeous. I'm not familiar with Nani Iro fabric. Is that a brand name like Riley Blake, or Moda? Have you sewn with double gauze before? I made a couple tops out of it, but can't imagine making a quilt. I DO need to make a baby quilt though! Learned last week that a favorite nephew and spouse are expecting in November, and he asked me to make a quilt! How cool is that?! It's nice to see the other projects you're working on. You have your hands in many pies!

  15. Beautiful projects Susan, that wren is so sweet.

  16. The Autumn colours are looking lovely. I am still waiting for my trees, but they will eventually catch up.
    The gauze with be lovely for a baby quilt. So soft and the pattern is dainty.
    Great use of the mini charms. I often wonder what to do with them.
    Love the work on the blue wren. That is a lot of very small pieces but what a wonderful result!
    And good luck with your May deadline.

  17. You have lots of lovelies on the go! I can't wait to see progress on the whole cloth quilt.

  18. Simply lovely especially the blue bird

  19. This EPP bird is really amazing! This will be wonderful :-) And I love the picture of Melbourne! I fell in love with this city when we visited. It looks so lovely with all the leaves turning red! Here it is snowing again and the temperature is below zero... Oh and I'm so curious to see your Four-In-Art project!

  20. I would love to make another whole cloth quilt with double gauze. Actually I would love to have one for just me!

  21. I just love that little bird. So so cute. And the autumn photo is beautiful. We have spring here one day and winter the next. Snow is predicted for tonight . . . again. Enjoy your pretty fall days before winter arrives.

  22. I can see I am far behind in commenting on your wonderful blog posts. I thought I had written on the blog, but yep--I haven't (hangs her head in disbelief at her slacker self). So, know that I'm impressed with all that you've done--the patchwork quilt, the new projects, the knitting, and am completely jealous about going to a fabulous quilt show and taking such a fun paper piecing class. (Your wren is lovely.)

    It's always fun to visit here, not only for inspiration, but also to "hear" your voice in your writing. It's like a good visit!

  23. Anxious to see your whole cloth quilt. I bought some double gauze too for the same type of project (different floral). It's sitting in the cupboard waiting for thread. Love your bag and the little bird!

  24. Ah the colours of fall. Very pretty little bag. Happy stitching!


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