
Friday, April 8, 2016

My first quilt finish....

for 2016!

Productivity is obviously not my word for this year.

 But sometimes life gets in the way, doesn't it?

I haven't even named this one yet.

The label is half sewn on waiting for inspiration!

If your remember I had some initial

basting problems!

But once I solved that issue, the straightline quilting 

went mostly smoothly.

  It had been too long since I had tested out my FMQ 

skills, but once I started, I didn't want to stop.... 

I used my favourite Aurifil thread in #2021 for all the

piecing and quilting. 

 I managed a couple of quick outdoor shots...

with the help of my son, 

 and a close up of the binding and backing...

Autumn is here and this quilt is already doing its job 

on our bed!

Happy sewing!



  1. Gorgeous! I love the way you quilted inside each individual block. Looks like you had fun once the basting was out of the way :)

  2. How pretty! Love the quilting around the flowers!

  3. Wow! This is so happy quilt! It's a good idea to quilt around the birds and flowers, it looks special :)

  4. A really lovely, happy finish! I love all the little bits of gingham & plaid, and your bright colours!

  5. What a fantastic quilt - love everything about it.

  6. I am so pleased the basting sorted out. Congratulations on your finish. I really like the way this design allows the fabrics to stand out. Your FMQ is very effective. Great to have it on your bed ready for our cooler nights.

  7. Well, as per usual, it's just gorgeous!!! I can't help thinking of the 1960's song "Little Boxes" by Pete Seeger. Your fabrics are simply beautiful!!!

  8. Nice work, Suz. Well done persisting with the basting. Bet you are needing that quilt a lot more than we are up here. I'm hoping to make it to the end of the month before I need to pull the quilts out of the cupboard.

  9. what a happy quilt - and your FMQ looks great and it's fun to see the different designs.

  10. This is such a fun quilt all round, a great pattern to show off the fabrics, super fun fabrics and great quilting. Congratulations on the finish!

  11. Once you got over your basting problems you must have raced away with the quilting, it looks great, so lively and vibrant, I love the striped binding, it finishes it off so nicely.

  12. Looks fabulous Susan - I especially love your FMQ - I need to get a foot for my machine before I can try that.

  13. I love the happy colours you've used. Great to hear you're using it on your bed. Slow and steady wins the race as the saying goes.

  14. looks great and I like your quilting.............

  15. I love it. A beautiful quilt. x

  16. Your quilt is beautiful. You did a great job of the quilting,

  17. Yeah for your finish. I enjoyed watching this one come together. The detail quilting around the different motifs is really nice. Good for you getting it ALL done. Something I need to do more of.

  18. Gorgeous quilt! And a standing ovation for the finish!!

  19. Thumbs up for this finish! I love it, this is such a happy and fun quilt. And the quilting makes every block special! Well done ;-)

  20. adoro su trabajo es precioso, primer vez que miro su blog , es sensacional, felicitaciones por l terminacion de su trabajo, la seguire como ejemplo, muchas gracias.

  21. I like what you did with the quilting - pick out details in the prints and use them as guidelines.
    I have no ideas about quilt names. It needs to be something happy, and something to do with squares or boxes. Boxes of goodies? Happy scrappy squares?


Kind comments welcome!