
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015!

What better way to finish the year....

than with a quilt finish too!

This one was a long time in the making...

beginning with EPP hexie flowers back in 2013(?)

I toyed with the idea of joining them with more 

hexies, but settled on appliquing them to low volume 


I also thought about machine quilting the completed 

top, but again, changed my mind...

Quilted some straight lines on the machine 

and then perle hand quilting around each one

I chose to keep it simple with the backing,

piecing together some leftover vintage sheets I had 

in my stash.

The finished size is 47" X 62"...

perfect napping size!

I had a fun time finding places to photograph it 

earlier today!

It seemed appropriate to photograph the hexie 


against a background of real flowers!

Or anywhere that made me smile!

I have called my last finish for 2015

"Kew Gardens".

Thank you to all my loyal followers....

here's to a great 2016!



  1. Such a lovely finish is a wonderful way to say goodbye to the old year! Seems you have gorgeous weather for the party today! Here in Munich it's cold and raining - but still no snow... Have a happy and healthy and creative New Year full of such lovely finishes!

  2. Such fun photos and lucky you to have a year-end quilt finish! Alas, I do not. But hopefully a couple in January! Yours is lovely!

  3. I love all the photos of this beautiful quilt! All the best to you for the new year!

  4. It's lovely! Maybe I should be inspired to finish the hand sewn hexagon quilt I started in 1973... :-)

  5. This quilt is gorgeous!! I love the simple quilting and the rainbow colors in the quilt. I may just make a copycat quilt of yours. Love it!!!

  6. The perfect quilt to usher out the old year and welcome the new! Hexies, color, hand stitching--what more could you ask for?

    Happy 2016!!!

  7. What a perfect finish for the year. So nice to know you can start 2016 with new projects not WIPS.

  8. This is such a beautiful quilt! And the photography is beautiful as well. Happy 2016 to you.

  9. This is lovely Suz. Appliqué on the low volume backs,placing in off-set rows gives a beautiful finish. Hand quilting gives an authentic homemade look and your name choice is perfect. A great way to finish a year.

  10. Happy New Year to you, too! I love this quilt, as hexies are so endearing, but it's you who have given them a place to shine, set as they are on the light backgrounds. I also love the combination of hand-quilting and machine quilting. What size pearl cotton do you use for that? My favorite photo is the one in front of the stained glass window--the conversation between colors and the shapes in the quilt and the window really caught my eye. Congratulations on a great way to begin the new year.


  11. Such a simple lay out but with a very large "wow look" to it! I love your quilt!💗💕💖💞

  12. Great finish for the year! It's beautiful Susan. And how gratifying it must feel to have another w.i.p. completed. Wishing you the best for 2016!

  13. Great finish for the year. I like your decision to set each hexie flower on a separate block. The hand stitching really helps each flower to stand out.
    Definitely a special finish.
    Great locations for you photos, too, especially the one with the city in the distance.
    Happy New Year.

  14. Oh it's just lovely. Will you miss working on them? There's a cure for that.........

  15. Lovely finish! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  16. This makes me remember why I first started quilting - to make a quilt like this. Mine was nowhere near as effective, but we have to start somewhere, right?

  17. Beautiful pictures and the perfect name for this quilt! I'm so envious of your sunshine! Happy New year Suz x

  18. I love it! The low volume backgrounds are a great choice. A beautiful way to end the year :)

  19. I am a tad late with the New Year well wishes but had to pop in and say how much Iove this finish!!! I like how the hexies are stitched onto a background square rather than joined all together. It makes each individual flower shine in my opinion. I have a similar project in the works but the hexie is a bit different. I think your decision to machine quilt straight lines and then hand stitch around the hexies was wise, letting the quilt design stand out. Your photo shoot and Kew Gardens title are just perfect!


Kind comments welcome!