
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Gift Envelopes

Have you started your Christmas shopping or 

sewing yet?

I have!

I 'pinned' this idea for gifting money which 

I want to use this year.

My son and daughter-in-law are going on a belated honeymoon to New York in mid-December, and I wanted to give them some spending money!

I changed the pattern a little for my own purposes 

which I show here... 

I found an envelope that "fit the bill', teased it open

and traced around it.

I marked the section where it would remain 

unstitched for turning through...

(I know I often forget this and just keep sewing!)

I found it easier to sew the button on before 

stitching the side panels closed.

It's fun finding ribbon and buttons to match!

It's also perfect for a special piece 

of costume jewellery!


As Kate said on IG, wouldn't it be lovely if all our 

mail looked like this?

Happy days!



  1. I love this! You always come up with clever things for us to do and make. Thank you!

  2. They are gorgeous! I just might have to make a couple myself!

  3. What a fun idea! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Fantastic idea Suz, these look so classy. These would make a great Tooth Fairy envelope too!

  5. These are delightful and a great idea!!

  6. Oh those are just so adorable! Fabulous idea! Perfect for gift cards too. The buttons and ribbons are so cute, I'm bookmarking this!

  7. Clever & adorable! A perfect combination.

  8. These are beautiful Susan, what a lovely idea.

  9. What a brilliant idea - I love the different fabrics you have used and the cute little buttons.

  10. these are such a gorgeous idea. I have no time to sew for Christmas this year but maybe I could whip up a few of these :-) Thanks for sharing.

  11. This is fantastic! What a lovely idea and a wonderful gift wrapping - especially for money :-)

  12. These a very cute. I'm off to pin it too.

  13. I love these Suz!! Such a great idea and you've used such lovely fabrics. You're so right that it would be great if all mail looked like that.

  14. What a great idea to gift Christmas money! I saw this on IG and made a mental note to remember. Such a sweet little envelope! They will have a great time in NYC. It will be so festive at Christmas time!

  15. Oh! I love these! I haven't any Christmas sewing planned, but I might have to pinch this idea.

  16. What a super idea, Susan! I don't anticipate doing much Christmas shopping, if any, as gifting by check has become the best present for both our children. So your envelope idea is a good one. You always share such nice things. Thank you!

  17. Love this idea and yes it would be so fun if all mail looked so pretty. Seems like you could even hang it up open by the little loop to hold items. Hope they have a blast in New York.

  18. How do you stitch the side panels? Finger stitch maybe?

  19. I gotta make some today 😃

  20. Confused as to how you see it after it is turned right side out.


Kind comments welcome!