
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

"Winter Citrus"

I have given up all hope of seeing the sun again,

so nasty indoor photos will have to do.

I have recently finished putting together 

this quilt top....

"Bonnie Lass" from Quilt Lovely, 

my third Jen Kingwell finish!

I am calling this one "Winter Citrus", which I hope is 


Oranges, mandarines, limes!

Made entirely from stash, this is my next charity 


I even have a vintage sheet ready for backing!

Happy sewing!



  1. Looking beautiful Suz I love a scrappy quilt

  2. Love the scrappy and yet uniform feel of the Winter Citrus quilt!

  3. sounds like a great name and the quilt is lovely............

  4. Hi Suz! This looks fantastic! I love the look how hyou put the blocks on point! And happy colour scraps are always beautiful! x Teje

  5. love that scrappy look and the pattern looks like fun to do.
    Our "rainy season" is now over but I think I could do with a cloud or two as it is now like a sauna.

  6. I absolutely love this!! Great colours and so fab to use up what you have :)

  7. It's so pretty! I love the oranges, limes, and lemons! Ha!

  8. This block pattern is perfect for a scrappy quilt. I just bought that Jen Kingwell book and I love it. Someone is going to be very pleased to receive your pretty quilt!

  9. Just the quilt for sunless days! And I love the fact it was made from your stash too.

    Hope you see some sunny days soon!

  10. Very cute and very citrusy! We still have our kumquats and lemons on the trees, and the mandarins in the front yard are getting bigger. What a darling quilt. I love the bright pieces and the interesting way it's pieced. Here's hoping it brightens up your days!

  11. Here's hoping the sun comes out soon. Maybe your cheerful citrus quilt top will make it happen. Love those colours, it's a perfect scrappy quilt which will brighten someone's day.

  12. I would love to have a grey rainy day but that's a long way off. Hope this lively quilt makes your day sunny.

  13. A lovely citrus-y quilt.. I really like your scrappy controlled palette here!

  14. The fresh colours in your scrappy Citrus quilt are just beautiful together!

  15. 'Winter Citrus' - a very appropriate name! Looking forward to some more sunshine up here too.

  16. Oh, how delightful! Winter Citrus lives up to it's name, Suz. A glorious festival of citrus colours and fantastic assortment of low volume fabrics. Fresh and zingy!

  17. Such a cheery quilt top, Susan! Well done! Will you quilt it yourself? How generous of you to give it away. You're a peach! Hmm, is that a "winter citrus?" :-)

  18. I love these colours Suz - such a pretty, cheerful quilt.

  19. You sure have been getting a lot accomplished lately. I wish some of your productivity would rub off on me

  20. I love the way this one has turned out. Great colours - regardless of the lack of sunshine. Beautiful work.

  21. Love this - the colours are wonderful!

  22. My favorite kind of quilt! Scrappy! I know what you mean about no sun! Finally we have had some sunshine days. I read that we have only had 6 days of sun and no rain in all of July!

  23. What a great stash you must have!

  24. Once again proving that a simple pattern in great colours is hard to beat.
    We are having a grey, rainy few days here. More excuse to stay indoors and sew!

  25. Such a lovely, colorful quilt for charity!! I think you must have a well balanced stash ;-)) I really like this pattern that I haven't considered before....your fabrics bring it to life.

  26. Beautiful color combinations. Hope the sun comes back. I don't do well without it.

  27. Is this pattern in the book? I don't remember seeing it but your version makes me want to go bookmark it to make soon. The colors you chose remind me so much. If American Jane fabric. Very classic!

  28. I really like the low-volume of this one! There's one in my future, just need to get cracking.


Kind comments welcome!