
Monday, July 13, 2015

Time away...

from my sewing machine....

and this little pile of blocks,

saw me enjoying some sunshine, 

walks on the beach,

 the local wild life

some stitching,

and the latest 'fad'....

mindful colouring!

Feeling very relaxed,

I hope to be back soon with a quilt finish or two!

Happy days!



  1. It looks like a beautiful holiday, I am going to have to find time for the ocean this summer too. And those birds, you do live in a sort of paradise I think.

  2. What a lot of skinny little pieces in your heart quilt. And what perfect tiny stitches in your quilting. I also like that zip bag with the Charlie Harper fabric and the binding on top. Do you recall what pattern you used for that? I have been making nesting sets of three for my nieces' birthdays this year and have not yet found what I consider to be my favorite pattern for that. Thanks.

  3. Hope you are now relaxed and recharged! Beautiful scenery, so I am sure you enjoyed yourself. I love your heart courthouse blocks and the hand stitching!

  4. Oh! It looks like a perfect time away. I feel relaxed just scrolling through the photos.

  5. Your heart blocks are so beautiful - my daughter has a few of these colouring books too and I am hoping to buy the Tula Pink one later int he year.

  6. Oooh I love the pictures of your holiday, and the heart quilt , and the colorful birds (makes our little sparrows appear dull as dishwater).
    I've seen these coloring books around, they look like fun!

  7. Love your heart quilt, the quilting on the white one makes it look quite lacey. I've been enjoying a bit of mindful colouring as well, what sort of pencils are you using? and do the lorikeets allow you to come close enough to take a photo or did you use the zoom lens?

  8. You chose a beautiful spot for your holiday. Could do with some of that warmth now - just as well you're home. I love your heart quilt.

  9. Nance, on the chance you will come back and read this (you are a 'no-reply' blogger so I have no way of contacting you) the pouch is called Lola and can be purchased here:

  10. This looks like a perfect way to spend time away.
    Too cold here to even want to go outside today. Brrrr.

  11. Looks like a lovely relaxing time. The coloring is awesome.

  12. I love your heart quilt! And the stitching makes it extra special! Glad you had a nice time looks like you could hardly complain about the views! Just lovely! And coloring! I agree with's awesome!

  13. Looks as though you are still keeping busy, just in a different way.those birds are gorgeous.

  14. It looks like you visited a beautiful place. I look forward to seeing your quilts.

  15. Oh! I hadn't noticed the adorable rabbit zipper pull on your pouch on Instagram. Cute!
    Glad to see you had such a lovely break.

  16. Your time away looks like a tonic for whatever ails you--and we are all quite envious and wish for an equal measure of time away in such a beautiful place. I'm glad you took some handwork--something so lovely about stitching and relaxing. Welcome back!


  17. I am glad you were able to get a way for a little rest and relaxation


Kind comments welcome!