
Friday, May 1, 2015

Rosy Posy...

Today I reveal my mini quilt as part of the second 

round of the "Four-In-Art" challenge.

I have chosen to construct a mini linking 

life with literature...

The origins of nursery rhymes are said to 

reflect events in history.

"Ring a Ring o' Roses
A pocket full of posies
A-tishoo, A-tishoo
We all fall down"

 is supposed to be about the Bubonic Plague!

(But I won't let the truth 

get in the way of a good story!)

My design, this time, developed 

as I cut and stitched...

Trying out ideas and discarding them...

The yo-yos and flowers stayed....

and hand quilting and subtle printing were added!

along with a new tissue-like pocket!

I will leave any further explanation 

to your imagination!

Art is like that, don't you think?

The back 

Please take the time to visit the other in the group-
Elizabeth @ Occasional Piece
Rachel @ The Life of Riley
Catherine @ Knotted Cotton
Betty @ Flickr
Simone @ Quiltalicious
Jeifner @ Flickr
Nancy @ Patchwork Breeze

Happy sewing!



  1. Suz, this is just perfect and so well interpreted! I love everything about it and especially the red dangling threads and the yo-yo's! What total fun - wonderful job!!!

  2. I would have it on my wall:-) It is lovely - such a happy, colourful quilt and captures the poem beautifully.

  3. Very cool. I love the unique details you added - so striking!

  4. Very pretty. I love anything with yo yo's in it.

  5. Suz, you are so creative...I just love this darling quilt. I think it is my favorite for this quarter of your challenge. Are you enjoying participating?

  6. A-may-zing! I am totally in love with this and plan to steal all of your ideas. I love the cut-out flowers (did you stabilize them?) in a ring of posies, and really like that tissue-thin pocket with more yo-yo flowers and circles and rings. It has such a nice visual punch, and really interprets the nursery rhyme so well.

    I think this theme is made for you--I've loved both of your quilts!

  7. Yo yos AND big stitch quilting! Love it!! The red and white speak volumes in themselves but your clever use of dimensional fabric takes the cake. Great work!

  8. What a sweet little quilt! Love the way you interpreted the roses and the pocket of posies. Much prettier than the bubonic plague! Beautiful quilting, too. Really, really nice.

  9. What a great interpretation of the rhyme! You have some really pretty fabric there too. I had fun checking out the other quilts in your link, and that Four in Art challenge looks like fun!

  10. This quilt is absolute poetry!! Brilliant in every way!

  11. It's very pretty, a lovely quilt.

  12. Lovely interpretation. Great use of the flowers and the yo-yos. Gorgeous in red.

  13. Oh this is just brilliant! I love the flowers especially. I have always thought it a little odd that we teach kids such a fun rhyme associated with the bubonic plague!

  14. Wow! A fabulous interpretation. I love the flowers! the strings or stems are striking against the background. And your stitching is so perfect. Great job!

  15. I had heard the nursery rhyme was about the plague too, but this quilt is far too pretty to have any nasty plague connotations! Beautiful.

  16. Totally love the 3 dimentionality of your quilt. The yo-yo's, or I'm assuming the pocket full of posies, are a nice balance to the ring of rosies. It's kind of funny that a song about the bubonic plague could be represented in such a pretty and delicate quilt! I love your pocket full of posies. Your rings that are circulating around your ring of roses are a nice design touch. Send us more beautiful quilts about a nasty diseases please:)

  17. Suz,
    Your mini is very nice. There is so much to interest the viewer. The ring of roses makes me think of a wreath of flowers that girls would wear on their heads long ago. Each time I look at the photo of the entire project, I see more I missed previously. Very well done.

  18. I'm so behind in my blog reading and so glad I took the time tonight. Your mini is just lovely. Love how you handled the ring of roses.

  19. This project is a great way to be creative and "play" with fabric. It turned out beautifully!

  20. This is so lovely and textural. I do love a yo-yo and so love the way you did the posie wreath!

  21. Hi Suz! I love your work and this is so cute and beautiful! x Teje


Kind comments welcome!