
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Star Jump Pattern winner....

If I thought I was going slow before,

It seems I have come to a complete stand still! 

Although I am consoling myself with this pile of lovelies.....

At least I have been knitting!

And this is going to be ready for our Winter!

I owe you a winner to Jess' "Star Jump" pattern...

#21 was Karen S!

I have contacted Karen 

and Jess will have the pattern to you soon!

Happy sewing, I hope!



  1. Sometimes it's good to come to a complete halt. Time to refresh and re-energize. Enjoy the needles.

  2. Knitting is good and is very portable. Enjoy that until the sewing bug hits!
    And thank you for the lovely surprise!

  3. It never hurts to switch between creative endeavors. The change often results in a clearer vision and improved optimism for future projects. Knitting can be a great segue between sewing and quilting endeavors. I think great things will come from the slower pace and the change of direction.

  4. I'm just impressed that you knit too! The yarn is a gorgeous color! What are you making? In any case, we can all remind ourselves that we're not in a race to see who can create the most. We do this stuff because we ENJOY it. Right-o!

  5. Yum! Loving not only the colours in that collection of pretty fabrics but also in your knitting. Totally gorgeous colour and making me curious as to what you're knitting.

  6. I think it's nice to have two creative outlets. At least there's a good chance if you can't be inspired by one you have an alternative. Gorgeous yarn colour.

  7. I think it might be good to switch gears and pick up another type of project. Its good you know how to you a fabulous option. I agree with Marg, gorgeous color!

  8. Knitting is the perfect pasttime for winter. I like that shade of blue yarn!

  9. I love my knitting too. A rest is good. Congrats to the winner

  10. Congratulations to Karen!
    Lovely yarn for your project - one of my favorite colors.


Kind comments welcome!