
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Scraptastic Tuesday!

I had recovered from my recent illness 

and wanted to sew....

But I could not face basting my 

Shelburne Falls flimsy,

So, as all good quilters do, I started something new!

In an effort to cull my fabric stash I joined in 

Scraptastic Tuesday, 

hosted by Leanne and Nicky!

And made one of these....

And now I have two!

This is what I have chosen for Flower #3

These really are 'scraptastic' blocks!

Foundation piecing always leaves totally 

unusable scraps,

so I don't feel guilty about throwing them away!

PS- It's not too late to enter my giveaway,

for this….

details here...

Happy sewing!



  1. I love your happy flower blocks!!! Lots of pretty dotty goodness.

  2. what a great way to use your scraps :-) Glad you are feeling better.

  3. I am wanting to join in on Scraptastic Tuesday . I will go see if my recent post qualifies ; )
    These blocks are so pretty! Someday.....

  4. Glad to hear you are felling better. Love your fabric choices on these blocks.

  5. oh I love these blocks but have yet to try one - lovely! And glad to hear you are feeling better too!!

  6. Love the happy flowers! Using stash fabric is the best.

  7. Wow - they are absolutely fabulous and so smile-making!

  8. I love these blocks so much. Glad to hear you are on the mend but do take it easy.

  9. Glad to hear you are feeling better. And I love how your garden is growing!

  10. Oh those two blocks are so adorable! But I can't wait to see the third! You have chosen such wonderful colors! Glad you are feeling better :)

  11. Lovely flower blocks, love the fabrics you are using, it won't be long before you have a finish :)

  12. Gorgeous Suz, love them and what a great way to use up your scraps.

  13. Awesome block....a bucket list item for me.

  14. Fabulous, and they have been on my to-do list for ages! Your fabrics are perfect!

  15. These flowers are so cute. Your choice of fabrics is what's really making them fun.

  16. Loving the blocks Susan and that Scraptasic Tuesday is part of your recovery programme! Hope you feel better soon.

    Looking forward to number 3 and thanks for the shout out and for linking up to Scraptastic Tuesday!

  17. Loving the blocks Susan and that Scraptasic Tuesday is part of your recovery programme! Hope you feel better soon.

    Looking forward to number 3 and thanks for the shout out and for linking up to Scraptastic Tuesday!

  18. Loving the blocks Susan and that Scraptasic Tuesday is part of your recovery programme! Hope you feel better soon.

    Looking forward to number 3 and thanks for the shout out and for linking up to Scraptastic Tuesday!

  19. Those are beautiful blocks, but no scrap in my scrap bin would be big enough for anything but the leaves.

  20. Lovely use of scraps! And perfect for a Spring project too.

    Glad you're feeling better!

  21. Very pretty and just right for your spring season.

  22. Fun new project, Missy. So glad that you are feeling back to your awesome self!

  23. I just love these flowers and want to make some too

  24. Glad you are feeling better (too bad it happened to such a lovely lady). And I'm loving those flowers.



Kind comments welcome!