
Saturday, October 12, 2013

4th Quarter F-A-L

Everyone has said it....

"How can it be October?",

 and time for the 4th quarter of the Finish-A-Long!

she can quilt

I finished three out of three for the 3rd quarter,

so I am going all-out and putting four finishes

 on my F-A-L list!

1. My "Rocky Mountain Puzzle" Bee Quilt...

Ooops- this is upside down!
needs batting bought and quilting etc, 
and a new name.

2. I have worked on this one off-and-on this year....

I'm not sure I love it but someone will...

I have enough batting for it, 

(it's only about 50" X 60") 

so I just need backing....

and quilting, of course!

3. My City Sampler is still in pieces....

but progress is being made!

Besides I need this one for a Christmas gift!

4. Finally, a friend has asked me to make her

a Market Bag...

in pink and red!

Thanks Leanne for being our cheerleader 

in the F-A-L this year!

It has been very motivating!

Happy sewing!



  1. Good luck with all your projects. It's fun listing them and then checking them off the list.

  2. You're going to have a busy few months but you'll have 4 amazing projects to show for it!

  3. They are all going to be sensational finishes - good luck!

  4. Good luck. Looking forward to seeing these finishes!

  5. I'm loving how your Modern Sampler is looking - lovely with all those neutral fabrics. Looks like you'll have a busy few months!

  6. great projects to be working on :-)

  7. Good on you Suz....some beautiful projects.

  8. Envy rears it's ugly head ... Great to see all you have accomplished though.

  9. Well done on your 3 finishes and your 4 goals seem realistic! Good luck!

  10. I wish I was the lucky person getting a City Sampler for Christmas!

  11. Fantastic! I love the fabric you have pictures with your Rocky Mountain. Is that the backing? It is perfect! And your city sampler is looking amazing! I need your energy, Susan!

  12. Wow! You have a gift for staying on track. Even with the extra projects that pop up unexpectedly, like making things for friends. Great work!

  13. I'm thinking that you are going to have a really fun and modern setting for the City!

  14. Three out of three finishes--you are a champ! I am looking forward to your next round of finishes, especially the city quilt.

    I smiled when you said that someone else might love your quilt--the one with the different "rails," as I feel that way about some of mine, too.


  15. Looks like a doable list! LOVE those Rocky Mountain blocks and those CS blocks - they are awesome! That will be a super cool finish!!

  16. Your quilt tops are just lovely. And you have done exactly what you set out to do this month. Well done you!!!

  17. Love seeing your finishes! Beautiful!! Still loving your City Sampler!!

  18. This is a great list, I love all of it.

  19. The second quilt reminds me of Licorice Allsorts:) Love the neutral blocks for your City Sampler.

  20. What a nice list - I predict a perfect score once again. Your City Sampler quilt is looking seriously great - can't wait to see that one finished!

  21. What diverse projects. You can work on them according to mood. But I love the one I am a little bit a part of the most. ;-)

  22. Love your Rocky Mountain puzzle blocks - is that a pattern or did you find a tutorial online? I really like the fussy cut center squares.

  23. I'll be cheering you along as I have not even made a list for this quarter

  24. Hi, I am new to your blog. I found you through pinterest and so glad I stopped by! Your City Sampler Quilt is going to be amazing. I am going to add you to my Feedly list and hope to stop by often!

  25. Hi, I am new to your blog. I found you through pinterest and so glad I stopped by! Your City Sampler Quilt is going to be amazing. I am going to add you to my Feedly list and hope to stop by often!

  26. You've picked some lovely things to finish, and my... aren't you ambitious! Working full time too! You make me look lazy


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