
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Random Ramble...

I have been trying to walk 10,000 steps every day....

Most days that is achievable, 

except when the Winter rains come!

The Yarra is certainly muddy after recent rain!
So here are some of the views 

as I rambled in the last week or so....
A newly painted mural - better than advertising!
Just as well this cute gift shop was closed when I passed!

And all those kilometres deserve a reward,

don't they?

Fabric, of course!

Stash building- from "Sewn and Quilted"

I will have a finish to share very soon....

Happy days!

Linking up with Cindy's "Really Random Thursday"



  1. Your rambles take you to some fun places. That mural is impressive! Love your rewards, I recently got some of the umbrella fabric too. Looking forward to seeing your finished quilt.

  2. I spy feathers!!! Yay!
    P.S. Well done on 10k a day - that's impressive.

  3. Well done with your walking. Your reward is well deserved! Look forward to your projects!

  4. I'm a walker too and your post has inspired me to take my camera next time!! (love the's so cute!)

    val from

  5. Good for you! I think my walking would be much more enjoyable with some fun scenery. I love the little Scotty Stripe! Who makes that one? Can't wait to see the finish!

  6. Good for you on the steps! And your quilt is looking beautiful.

  7. Thanks for sharing your walk. I'd love to go along with you! Cute fabric....especially love those umbrellas.

  8. What interesting walks you have, I'll try the 10,000 steps when the weather gets warmer. Love the treats you brought yourself!

  9. That's an inspirational walk! Lots of things to prompt creativity.

    Happy Weekend!

  10. Wonderful walking photos and well earned fabric! I'll look forward to seeing what you make :)

  11. Lovely! Looking forward to your finish.

  12. How great it is to see where you go when you take those 10,000 steps! Admirable endeavor! And your reward is perfect - love that teeny umbrella print. Oh, I know what you're finishing soon, and I know it will be great. Can't wait to see it!

  13. Wow, if I could walk and see sights like that, I'd be more likely to walk!!! What fantastic fabrics.

  14. I see what you are quilting there....waiting to see more.

  15. I would walk more too with those views! Looking forward to see some feathers.

  16. Oooh yay the feathers are being quilted.
    That's an impressive walk. Ive been trying to walk a lot more too, and I have such a beautiful area, to walk, I have no excuse.

  17. Walking, views, and fabric - lovely combination for a week. Plus some sewing to keep things moving along.

  18. Your walking inspires me. I've been such a slug and have no excuse! I spy some feathers!!

  19. lately I am so far behind in reading blogs my comment seems out of context. Hope you are well and the rains have subsided

  20. I'm catching up with your blog. . .

    I just started walking again after this summer's foot surgery and there is something so freeing about being able to get around by oneself. Love the pictures and that public art sculpture on the river is very interesting.

    Of course, since I'm moving backwards, I've seen the fabulous Birds of a Feather.

    A lovely amble through your neck of the woods!


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