
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

WIP Wednesday

In an effort to remain accountable, I am going to do 

regular and organised WIPS posts in 2013, based on 

my UFO list!

*  *  *
So here goes....

  Scrappy Tripalong Quilt-now called "Trip Trap"

(Can you guess why?)

25 blocks completed....

This probably won't be the final layout, but it is being 

put aside for a while...

...another block finished.

Two more like this to go!

The blue arc is new!
Some definite design decisions have been made!

I did take it out to look at !

And considered chucking it!


AMH Feather Quilt (main fabric purchased)
 I want to learn to knit socks this year!
(not strictly a UFO because I haven't even started yet!)


I've been wanting to make a skirt for some time!
Today I found the perfect fabric!

The sewing frenzy may be curtailed next week...

The Australian Open starts!

What WIPS have you been working on?

Linking up....

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Happy sewing!


  1. Nice job on the Scrappy Tripalong Quilt, it's looking great. I actually like the layout you've got happening with darker colours toward the centre of the diamond.

  2. Your Ginger Kisses quilt, is amazing. I love your fabric choices!!!

  3. That's a big list of fabulous projects!! Your trip looks great in that layout. That skirt pattern looks fab, love the fabrics you've chosen to make it in.

  4. Certainly lots happening. I thought the start of the tennis meant more sewing time with the TV on. Unless you are going into the tennis.

  5. Ha - the trip along is totally a trap! Ginger kisses looks like it will be a great quilt.

  6. I am getting some hand stitching projects ready for the late night in front of the TV - love to watch the Australian Open. Looking forward to seeing your new skirt. hugs

  7. I'm feeling dizzy......! Wow that is a lot of working and looking. Had fun today getting ready for a class (new quilt!) on the weekend.

  8. What a varied number of projects. Off you go and make that skirt now - I want to see how you get on.

  9. Not too many projects (compared to some (Katy, cough).
    I;m surprised I don't remember your Ginger Kisses quilt. I want to make one of those too.
    I used to sew my own clothes, love the fabric for the skirt.

  10. Everything is so pretty and colorful! Your Trip Trap is looking have made lots of progress on that over your break! Cute skirt!!

  11. Have you considered linking up to the Finish A Long? Check out my blog or Leanne's

  12. Wow, Susan! You have some very nice works going on! I am loving all the scrappy trips but I am going to resist. Honestly, I am just about jumping out of my skin to see your pickle dish! It looks sooooo yummy!!!!

  13. Love the scrap trip quilt. I am afraid resistance maybe futile.
    Is that the sew serendipity book you are using to make a skirt? Would love to know how you get on. I was given the same book and haven't done anything with it yet (well other than look at the pictures).

  14. Great project list! Love ther scrappy trip and that skirt is going to be awesome!

  15. Some many projects, so little time :) I love the scrap trip quilt.

  16. I LOVE to make skirts! I have one cut out right now. But that pattern you showed looks great! Can you please share where you found it?

  17. I don't dare list my works in progress and UFO's, I would realize how far behind I am! Came over for a visit from Freshly Pieced - am putting you on my RSS feed so I can find you again! Love all your project

  18. you have some absolutely gorgeous WIPs! I am stopping from the WIP hop, I would love to have you drop by my post:

  19. Love where your scrappy trip is going and I love the prints for your Ginger Kisses!

  20. do you follow 1/4" mark blog? She made a kitchen sink quilt with all her orphan blocks and it is amazing. That's what I am going to do with some of my UFO's.

  21. I was wondering how you were getting along with the Ginger Kisses quilt - whether it was working out for you, or whether it had been put away in disgrace. I still have my doubts about its construction and am eagerly awaiting your progress as the chief guinea pig. I am now leaning towards another project in the same book... wait for Project Number Three :0)

  22. 'Trip Trap' looks great - I love how the dark fabrics really show the design!

    I also find blogging on WiP Wednesdays is a great way to stay focused and get projects completed.

  23. You have a lot of lovely projects going on! And it looks like you are making progress with those WIPS! Love the scrappy look, it always looks so cheery to me!
    Have a wonderful crafty week!
    Helen x

  24. A nice collection of projects to keep you busy during the Aus Open!

  25. Loving the look of your ginger kisses! Your are certainly going to be a busy girl!

  26. Everything you sew is wonderful.

  27. Im trying SO hard not to look up a tutorial for the Scrappy Tripalong Quilt... I promised myself not to start anything new for a while but are having the hardest time when I see your pictures.

  28. I love your radioactive and jazz hands.. I have seem to put those two of things to make one day when I saw them in magazines sometime ago.. And now i see that you have already began.. And i am still no where near them.. Lol..

  29. O yeah, I love how you work on several projects at the same time and keeping track of them like this post.. Do you mind if I steal the idea.. Hehe.. Will surely link back to you,, stealing with permission lol..

  30. I really love all of these projects and I also like your little seam ripper from last post. I have wanted to make a pickle dish quilt forever, I might have an excuse to do so soon, I sure love your block.

  31. I love all your WIPS, am please don't chuck the radioactive one! Just get a hazmat suit maybe?! I'm working on a pillow for my sister, two doll quilts for my niece, and my scrappy trip along.


Kind comments welcome!