
Monday, January 28, 2013

My holiday is over....

(boo hoo!)

Yes, I know its hard to believe but my summer of 

sewing, 46 days of it, has come to an end!

I had a little "R and R" at the beach 

over the Australia Day weekend,

except I didn't get much beach weather!

(Not complaining considering the extreme conditions including bushfires and flooding other parts of the country are experiencing!) 

Mr. PnP came home from his cycling sojourn with a 

lovely gift for me...

I did a little fabric shopping....

and made this drawstring bag... 

out of some pretty laminated floral...

I want to start sewing the eyes to 

my "Ginger Kisses" quilt this week,

work commitments permitting!

Happy days!



  1. The days have really flown by! What a lovely gift from Mr P. I love your Ginger Kisses!! Your drawstring bag is fun too. Did you like sewing with laminated cloth?

  2. I love seeing your Ginger Kisses. Cute bag too, how was it sewing with the laminated cloth? I have steered clear of if so far. Holidays finishing is never fun. reality starts here again this week with one back at school wed and the boys on Friday. hugs, Sharon

  3. I loooove your ginger kisses too, and I must admit I love the edible kind of ginger kisses also. I am going to start making one of these this year, I bookmarked it ages ago and seeing yours developing has me determined to make one too.
    Yep not great beach weather here unless you were happy to be blown inland at about 90kmh. I suppose it could have been cheaper than flying the conventional way.
    Gee your holidays went fast, it seems like only yesterday you were telling us you were about to start your hols.

  4. Sorry your vacay is over! But glad you got to relax and visit with your sister. Every time I see your pickledish I fall in love with that design all over again!!! It is going to be fantastic, susan!

  5. Sorry about the back to work business, but pleased you enjoyed your break and had some good sewing time.
    Always love those pretty beach boxes. Tempted to buy one?
    Very pretty bag and the ginger kisses are looking great!

  6. what a beautiful jar!
    I love your ginger kisses blocks!
    fun beach photos

  7. Shame the holiday is over. I love the look of your Ginger Kisses quilt, can't wait to see more!

  8. Wow, that went by fast! The weekend at the beach sounds good, iffy weather and all.

  9. Hard to believe that in another life I would have been facing a new TAFE year and preparing for lots of new classes and counting the days till the next hols. I hope you find time for some stitching. Take care.

  10. Love the beach pics, your new jar (so nice of your hubby), Ginger Kisses is divine, and your new fabric and laminate bags! Very nice eye candy!

  11. I can't believe 6 1/2 weeks went by that fast! Are you rested and ready for battle again?

  12. Sounds like it's been a nice holiday for you. What cute little beach huts! And a lovely gift from Mr. PnP. :)

  13. Gosh, those holidays went fast! But so much on in the project department. Loving the ginger kisses.

  14. Sounds like a lovely end to the holidays, hope going back to work isn't too painful! I find that it's never too bad if I'm made the best of the six weeks, which it sounds like you have!

  15. All good things must come to an end. Your Ginger kisses is looking very nice. Great beach pics.

  16. I love your beach hut photos! Cuteness!
    Lovely Ginger Kisses. Can't wait to see more!

  17. My holidays finished yesterday too. The beach houses are lovely - these look different to the ones at Brighton though?Love your bag and the Ginger Kisses quilt!

  18. Oh Susan, while I love your quilty projects so much...those beach huts are so, so cute!! Sorry that your vacation is ending, but you've made the most of it!

  19. Back to work for me too! You sound like you've had the perfect holiday: some time away, a present, fabric and sewing - I could live like that!
    I love your ginger kisses, they look like they took a lot of work, just as well you had a month or so off!

  20. Oh boo to the end of holidays :-( It looks like a lovely one and you have some wonderful sewing plans - loving the ginger kisses!!

  21. Back to work me too! Was going to come home and sew, but I was too tired.

  22. Ooh, love everything on this post!!!


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