
Friday, January 4, 2013

I jumped on...

the Scrappy Tripalong bandwagon!

I knew I wanted to make a scrappy quilt this year, 

and what better time to start!

This was my first block.

The process is a fun one...

Besides choosing fabrics, there are other design 

decisions to be made...

like where will the predominate colour go?


playing around with the final layout!

Besides, Herman, my seam ripper, 

gets to be properly appreciated in the process!

(As opposed to being cursed as he usually is!)

6 blocks down, 19 to go!

I now have ten UFO's to work through during 2013....

1.  Scrappy Tripalong Quilt
2.  Museum Medallion Quilt
3.  Almost a Rainbow Quilt
4.  Ginger Kisses Quilt
5.  Radioactive Quilt
6.  AMH Feather Quilt (main fabric purchased)
7.  Helen's Bag
8.  Reindeer Games Embroideries
9.  Purple Knitted Sweater
10. I want to learn to knit socks this year!

(That should keep Meredithe happy!)

What's on your list for this year?

Or have you jumped on the Scrappy Tripalong 


Happy sewing!



  1. Lookin good! Enjoy all those ufo's

  2. love your trip blocks and that list is looonnngg! I have confidence in you. You will get it done

  3. oh it's looking great! I've only got 2 done so far, but pulling more strips!

  4. Love your blocks but I am NOT getting on this bandwagon. I shall watch happily from the sidelines.

  5. Looks like you infor a very busy, but fun, year.

  6. Nice..I am scrappy trip along tonight.will be posting soon.. I want to learn to socks this year too!!

  7. Not you too!!!! How am I going to keep from caving and joining in!
    It's looking great so far.

  8. I think I am a very short step away from the bandwagon! My mum has requested a "colourful" quilt for her birthday in May. If these are quick to make up then it looks like a winner!!

  9. Wow! That is fantastic susan! I love it. Good for you keeping track of your projects for the year. I have a couple of things that need to be quilted and are about half finished....I feel so guilty :( I am eager to see your progress on this one.

  10. No way I'm jumping on something new! I have 17 UFOs calling my name (they're listed on my blog, on a menu tab), and I'm already feeling the weight of them. Since I finished only three UFOs in 2012, I'm trying to be realistic about what I can do in 2013. But I'll sure enjoy watching you play!

  11. Herman is such a cutie! Where can I find his friends.
    They would be seriously overworked at my house.

  12. Gorgeous blocks Suz! I'm not joining this one - the plan is to get a bunch of wips finished this year :o)

  13. I am sure it will turn out wonderful like all your projects.

  14. I started on the scrappy tripalong too. Thought I would just try "one" to see what the fuss was all about. Yeah, I'm eight blocks in, and there is no turning back. Yours is looking awesome! Love the cute seam ripper : )

  15. WooHoo, Love your blocks! I've started one too, so far I've made 7 blocks and have the strips sewn for another 30, I'm aiming for 49. There's something a bit addictive about them.

  16. What a great list! Well done you. Looking forward to seeing your progress. I've just been looking at the tutorial for the scrappy trip around the world - looks like SO much fun that I'll have to give it a go!


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