
Saturday, December 29, 2012


Merry Christmas everyone!

In celebration of the season, 

I would like one of my followers to have 


In the recent Mouthy Stitches swap I made two tote    


So this one is FTAGH...

(free to a good home)

The lining is a little bit of a surprise!

You get a bit of a peek at the bright yellow...

If you would like this to come and live in your house, 

leave a comment on this post....

telling me your sewing intentions for 2013,

or what fabric you think everyone will be buying in  

the New Year!

I will draw a winner in about a week, when I come 

back to do a re-cap of my makes for 2012.

Until then, have a wonderful Christmas and time with 

family and friends...

Thank you for being an important part of my little 

corner of blogland!


Giveaway now closed....winner announced soon!


  1. I love this bag! I am planning on making a Double Wedding Ring quilt, Glacier Star quilt and finishing a few UFO's....I know I want to be buying Salt Water and Noteworthy!

  2. It's fab Suz! I have a long list of wips I'd like to knock over next year, and about a gazillion projects in my head busting to get made. Definitely architextures on my most wanted list for next year! Merry Christmas x

  3. What a generous giveaway.
    I am looking forward to designing some more paper pieced blocks next year and I am really looking forward to some relaxed sewing time so that I can work on a vanity case that I have already made a prototype for.

  4. Ooh ooh, me me me!!! *Lol!* This is *such* a Gorgeous bag!!! ... Okay, this coming year I have decided to pull back from swap commitments (bye-bye QBSA...) and focus on making some items for us here at home and gifts for specific individuals ... I would really like to finish off my SKoW quilt as soon as possible ... I would love to make both my daughter and myself a quilt each of our own (the Once Upon a Time quilt for my daughter, and a Swoon quilt for me), plus there are a couple of others I'd like to consider ... I also would love to make myself a bag to replace the old one I am currently using (which is falling apart at the seams!) ... and I'd like to get on top of making some hand-made Christmas presents throughout the year, rahter than stressing about it right at the last second!!

  5. Oh my house is a good home!! Just think of all the adventures it would have around France!! I am going to become a Great Great Aunt in April 2013 so I will be making a quilt for the new arrival. Merry Christmas! Hugs Linda xx

  6. Great bag and some great stitching! Well, in 2013 I am going to sew more and blog much, much more! I want to challenge myself with my quilting!

  7. Fun! I just want to sew as much as I can next year! And of course finish a few wips!

  8. What a generous giveaway! Thanks. Next year I intend to do some sewing. Returning to work as a teacher 3-4 days a week with three kids aged 3-9 has severely cut sewing time back! So anytime I can get in the sewing room I'll use. I think everyone will be buying Noteworthy by Sweetwater and Notting Hill as well.

  9. Next year I will be stash-busting!!
    Loved this bag when you made it - it would be welcome here any time!

  10. Great bag! My intentions for 2013 are to try and use up a bit of my stash. I need to make a dent in it. I think I've done enough for the global economy now (or so my husband tells me!)

  11. I would love that bag to live at my house, it is lovely. Next year I am going to try to finish all my favourite projects and work on a whole bunch of new improv ones. And make a bunch of quilts. And learn more about fmq. Have a wonderful holiday!

  12. I LOVE the bag! I intend to NOT buy any new fabric until I've made a dent in the stash!!!

  13. Love the bog
    THis year I am going to make a quilt for my bed in king size using my parson grey stash.'

    and a quilt just for my husband using a pattern found in a japanese sewing magazine. cats made from log cabin squares. and a quilt for my sister.

  14. Seriously? I would love it. My plan is to make more modern quilts for next year. My kids all need new ones ; )
    Merry Christmas

  15. Merry Christmas! In 2013 I plan on finishing hand quilting my Single Girl and making some size of quilt out of the Joseph's Coat blocks I have finished.

  16. Suz, I can't believe you are giving away this amazing bag!!
    In 2013 I want to be more productive with my quilts. I want to stick to the deadlines I set myself and not have these WIPs languishing on my table taking up space and never actually progressing.
    My thing I want to make is a quilt for my sister. It'll be a queen size monitor, but hopefully pretty :-)

  17. This bag is amazing, and I really love the fabrics you used! My goal for 2013 (at least the first half) is to make quilts for all the beds in my house. I think thiswill be an effective way to use up some of my stash and pretty up my home! Thanks for an amazing giveaway!

  18. What a fabulous bag!! I would not only love to give this beautiful bag a loving home, I would put it to good use every time I go to the store!! My 2013 intentions are to use my overflowing stash to make several quilts for a local home for teenagers in foster care. And of couse to finish those UFO's!! (No wait, that is my New Years Resolution!)

  19. What a great bag! I am going to finish a dress I started a year ago, and make some snack holders for my kids. I also would like to get more fabric with words on it, but I'm picky. Love a great subtle text fabric!

  20. Fabulous bag! I'd love to try a circle of geese!
    Next year I want to finish off several UFOs and start my 'swoon' quilt!

  21. It's totally gorgeous! I don't even know where to start with my 2013 sewing intentions - I have so many things I want to do. This year I think I got better at pushing through and actually completing projects - I would like to continue with that trend! Also, lots more FMQ.

  22. Merry Christmas Suz! I think I've decided to pay homage to my investment in quilting books - and actually start making quilts out of them. Sort of like - pick a book - make a quilt. Bust the stash... finish those WIP's... sounds like I'm going to be busy!

  23. Oh my goodness Suz.. what an amazing giftie for someone.... now I have to think about my intentions!!!! well.... I need to finish off some things.... but I really would like to work on making some pretty mini quilts...
    Have and awesome Christmas

  24. what a lovely bag.......have a wonderful christmas....

  25. Hi and Merry Christmas to you and yours! Your bag is gorgeous and I would love for it to come to my home..........:o) Quilting plans in the new year...To finish as many of my ufo's as possible. First projects will be my cousin's children's. Enjoy your holiday season. Sarah

  26. Suz, what a great gift for your readers, I'd be honored to win. I think next year Lotta Jansdotter will continue to be a hit with her 3rd collection, Glimma.

  27. What a gorgeous bag. My attempt at a circle of geese is still staring at me pitifully as I ignore trying to put it together!
    I just saw Lori Holt's new range called bake sale with lots of cute mixing bowls, recipe text fabric and old fashioned tablecloth prints - I think that will be pretty popular!

  28. I would love that bag to hold some of my wips that are waiting to be crocheted. As far as sewing, I am getting a niece in April and I am working things to decorate my niece's bedroom. It is so exciting to be an auntie for the first time and to a girl no less!

  29. Oh I would love to give this bag a new home. My sewing goal for 2013 is to make some quilts for charity. NICU and Cot Quilts. Have a great Xmas and new year, hugs

  30. What a beautiful all the stichieness and fabrics!!!
    I'm going to continue working on my row along with Bee in my Bonnet and learning to do paper piecing with Pink Penguin...blogging and quilting are so much fun together!
    Happy holidays!

  31. Gorgeous bag Suz! Im planning to follow my recently adopted theme of exploring 'everything old is new again'. Plus in looking for my christmas scraps I realised I have far too many wips so I'm making a list of 'jbs to finish'.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and Love and Peace follow you all through 2013 and beyond.

  32. So very pretty and functional. Yay... I hope its me!!! Next year I want to start a quilt. I have some aprons to finish and I definitely want to do some more with my embroidery machine. I just have to stay away from my minis lol... Too many hobbies not enough time.Have a very Merry Christmas.

  33. Oh my goodness! What a beautiful bag! I hope to make a few quilts this year including a wedding quilt for some close friends. I also want to finally learn how to paper piece!

  34. Oh my goodness! What a beautiful bag! I hope to make a few quilts this year including a wedding quilt for some close friends. I also want to finally learn how to paper piece!

  35. This is such a gorgeous bag. My sewing aims for 2013 are to make two mini quilts for my sisters-in-law. I think I will try to follow patterns for these, which I haven't tried before. I also would like to try to make my first tote.

  36. I loved this bag when you first posted about the swap - how lovely of you to share with a lucky follower! I'm really looking forward to buying some yardage of Architextures in the New Year. Merry Christmas!

  37. You are so generous Suze!
    Hmmm... my sewing intentions for 2013 would start with making another quilt for our bed. Then a full sized one for Miss Abbie.
    After that it's anyone's guess... :)

  38. That is such a fabulous bag Suz! My intentions for 2013 are more quilts, more blogging and more fabric ( though I should be using more of my stash). I'm really excited about the Denyse Schmidt range coming out next year! Wishing you the Merriest of Christmases!!

  39. What a gorgeous bag you have made. There are 3 quilts I would like to make for my family which I have promised them awhile ago. I too plan to quilt the quilt top for my mother.
    jchiagan at yahoo dot com

  40. Love the bag!
    I'm planning on attacking some of my ufo's...and really really really hoping I'm not majorly distracted with new projects like I was this year!!!
    Comma by Zen Chic is gonna be a great I'm looking forward to.

  41. Merry Christmas!!

    Enjoy the rest of your school holidays!

  42. I love the bag!
    Quilting is quite new to me.
    I have started a paperpiece project I saw on "Selfsewn". My goal for 2013 is to finish that!
    Merry Christmas.

  43. Lovely! I've been quilting just over a year. I intend to make a single size quilt for my daughter-as i've made her 3 lap sized quilts, and she'd reallly like one for her bed! ty

  44. What a darling bag, Susan! Don't include me in the draw (postage to the US is just too dear), but I wanted to say how pretty it is. I love the colors and the big stitches that add so much to the finish. Very nicely done! I hope you've had a wonderful, blessed Christmas.

  45. Such a gorgeous bag Susan - love the yellow lining. The first thing I am planning to do so far in 2013 is to make a quilt for my husband for our 20th wedding anniversary!

  46. Ooh...I have to smile...if you knew how many times I have posted this pattern on my bucket list...I want to learn to make this...but I would absolutely adore having this one. Thank you for being so generous! I have been so inspired by all the wonderful blogs I read and I want to make my boss and his wife (aka my adopted mom/dad)a 50th wedding anniversary quilt. That will be my big project, but oh I have so many others I would like to get done this year. I have special babies coming this year, young couples getting married and people who have shown me so much love all year long. I just want to cover each of them with a quilt. I have no favorite fabrics, I love them all!

  47. top fabrics on my list right now are Glimma and Architextures

  48. Looking forward to but Color Me Retro by Jeni Baker at AGF. So many plans for 2013 : I have to plan well and be realistic! LOL.. Have a great new Year Suz!!

  49. My aim for 2013 is to start sewing again after a long break.
    I think 2013 will see navy making a comeback , I have noticed peeks of it appearing in new ranges.

  50. Now, wouldn't that be the perfect bag for my take-along work! Everyone would see it and think I am more talented than I actually am!. Oh, but then I would have to confess...

  51. I would love to give this bag a new home. You such beautiful work. 2013 is the year to stash bust.I plan to make my daughter a new quilt and her youngest son.

  52. That's such a beautiful bag. My sewing intentions for 2013 are quite simple. I want to finish all my WIPS from 2012 before I start something new in 2013. If I can accomplish that, I will be quite happy.

  53. I want to finish an I-spy quilt for my grandson this year, and finish all my WIPs! Love that bag you made, and would LOVE to cherish it and put it to good use!

  54. I'd like to make a quilt with my 5yards of rainbow charm I keep dipping into them for small projects.... And before I know it, they will be all gone!

  55. Oh what a cute tote bag..I love that circle of geese pattern. I have lots on my plate for 2013, many block swaps and Qal's, then of course wedding gifts and baby gifts to make..always plenty to do! Happy New Year!

  56. Well, I know what fabric I'll be buying in the new year and I think everyone else should too.....hehe. Notting Hill by Joel Dewberry. I'm going to buy a bundle of it, a Chrstmas present to me from my hubby, I just haven't gotten around to ordering yet and my favourite shop has been closed over the holidays.

    Thanks for the chance to adopt this lovely tote!

  57. Teasing us with half quilt tops! Can't wait to see all of them! Thanks for the chance to win, I love new bags!

  58. A gal can never have enough bags - and such a gorgeous one would be TERRIFIC!
    My intentions for 2013: There are a number of UFOs from 2012 I want to finish, incl. two king size bedquilts as presents for friends. For new things, I want to try to get more into art quilts and enter some challenges. Still looking for what "my thing" really is. I think it includes bright fabrics - and I am experimenting more with creating my own of that, unusual piecing - patterns that create a secondary pattern, wonky patterns or things that don't need to match, and definitely freemotionquilting.
    Fabrics: Selection in my area is rather limited and I am not very confident yet in buying online, but I will have to learn! Love batiks, next to bags this gal can never have enough of them (and shoes!), solids (moda marbles and just starting to get into kona solids), brights - any designer that catches my eye at the time.
    Happy New Year!!!

  59. What a lovely bag I love the colours. 2013 sewing intentions be better organised so I can complete more projects.

  60. My sewing intentions are to whip up a modern baby quilt, Amy Gibson's Perfect Prism with gray...:) for my niece's first baby, and the Madrona's Road Challenge. Then I will work on an all flannel modern quilt in neutrals... For someone special... Then I want to create a modern modern quilt for one of my daughters, which may end up as next Christmas' gift. Goal this year, work on next Christmas ASAP...:)

  61. What a sweet tote! I'm planning on making a dent in my UFO pile that desperately needs tending to. I'll be on the lookout for more textiles to replenish my stash. Happy New Year and thanks sew much for this chance to win!
