
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday Treasure.....

I haven't posted a Tuesday Treasure for a while....

Today I am remembering and treasuring my Mum....

Mum and I on her 88th birthday
She has been gone from my life for over six years 


It would have been here 95th birthday today.....

But this is her on her wedding day, nearly 70 years 


I miss her every day....

I dedicate this song to her....

Linking up with Mel's Tuesday's Treasures......



  1. What a lovely blog, we never ever get over losing our mums. How beautiful she looked on her wedding day, Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I hadn't thought of it until I saw this post but it would have been my Mom's birthday as well.

  3. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady. Lovely special people always leave huge gaps in our heart when they go. Lovely post and your Mum was obviously a wonderful treasure.

  4. Such a lovely post and such a lovely mother. Mine has been gone for 5 years and I miss her, too.

  5. She was beautiful. I miss my parents too, it seems that never really goes away.

  6. Such a lovely tribute to your mum. I lost my dad 5 years ago but he still slips into my thoughts on a daily basis. My tuesday treasure is about him. They are always with you in spirit.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  7. Such a wonderful treasure today. I'm so sorry you no longer have your mum. She looks so lovely.

  8. What a sweet a lovely tribute to your mom. My mom will be 87 on Friday. I treasure every minute with her.

  9. It looks like you had a brilliant relationship with your mum and the missing must be horrible, but the happy memories something that are a treasure in themselves.

  10. Gorgeous photos, lovely post.

  11. As I type this my eyes are filled with tears. Your mom is beautiful. Just beautiful.

  12. Thanks for sharing that beautiful song - with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, lots of us missing our moms so very much...

  13. What a special treasure post. Such a beautiful wedding photo. It's so lovely you think of your mum every day.

  14. How sweet is this! I love seeing the pictures of your mother. Friday would be my MIL's 100th birthday!

  15. Beautiful post Susan. I love your Mum's wedding outfit, that blue is just divine. x xx

  16. Beautiful post Susan. I love your Mum's wedding outfit, that blue is just divine. x xx


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