
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Travellin' along.....

Welcome to my day of the 

Travellin' Pic Stitch Blog Hop!

Laura and Katy are on a road trip around the U.S....

Check out today's amazing photos here....

Their sewing and blogging is being inspired by their 


My inspiration came from these 


and these fabrics.......

and this picture.....
Nyons Market, France, 2011
(Although the fabrics probably suit this photo better?)

Metro Station in Paris, 2010

 And this is what I made!

I needed to switch out the centre fabric 

and add one...


 I did in fact do some sewing...

But I figure most people know how to EPP by now!

I baste my shapes the old fashioned way,

no glue for me!

And this is what I made...

a pretty drawstring bag!

Thanks for stopping by!

Pop over and visit my blogging friends...

Jan  @ Isisjem (tomorrow)

and Lucy @ Charm about You (the next day!)

to see what they have made...

All the link-up details, prizes and other participants 

are listed here!

You have until 30th November to get something 


Go on, you know you want to!

Happy Sewing,



  1. Lovely colours, and it's so nice that you made your block into something you can use.

  2. Such beautiful colours!!! Your star flower is wonderful and looks great on the draw string bag. I don't use glue for my EPP either but I don't sew through the paper, I just tack down the corners at the back , that way the papers pop out easily when it's time to take them out.

  3. Love those cheerful colours, and you know I always love epp!

  4. Brilliant! Lovely colours and great drawstring bag x

  5. Hi! Your photos, colours and blocks are so beautiful! What a great idea to use them on a bag! Wishes from Greece! x Teje

  6. A feast for the eyes! both your travel pics and your bag! I love the bright fresh colors and to put your EPP on a drawstring bag was genius!

  7. Fabulous fabrics + gorgeous design = a brilliant bag.

  8. Great job Suz, such fresh, bright colours. I think my next foray into EPP will involve that kite shape, it's very nice and versatile.

  9. The bag is lovely and shows off that lovely star just perfectly!

  10. Love those pictures and the blocks look great, such a pretty bag!! My block is awfully grey :/

  11. These are such lovely bright colors in one of my favourite EPP blocks! I don´t use glue on my EPP blocks either.

  12. they really are beautiful colours, gorgeous work!

  13. Love your photos! and that's such a great little bag. :) We're at Monument Valley tonight, off to Sedona tomorrow!

  14. this is such a fun little blog hop and you made a great project

  15. Lovely colors, so cheerful. I love the bag you made with your block. Beautiful project.

  16. Such a cute little bag! It's nice to see a finished project on this bloghop, most of the EPP will take a while to become a finished item (including mine!).


Kind comments welcome!