
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Medallion Makeover!

I wasn't feeling the love for the centre star for my 

Museum Medallion quilt.....

I felt that some of the diamond pieces read too much 

as solids, 

and I didn't want all that blue!

So its had a makeover....

I am much happier with this!

 I then started the next round of pieces...


Yes, but this one took me nearly an hour of hand 


So I am now officially cheating!

This is the next round.....

being machine pieced!

Don't think too harshly of me.....

At least I now feel I have achieved something!

back to the hand sewing....

Happy days!



  1. IT IS BEAUTIFUL! Absolutely beautiful. Well stitched :)

  2. Susan this looks great! You were so right to make the changes you did...what a good eye! I love the curvy piece in that fabric...will they all be of the same fabric? This is going to be fantastic!!!

  3. Such wonderful sewing. You have a great eye for colour

  4. WOW it looks so much better now, you must be very pleased. This is going to look spectacular. hugs

  5. It looks fabulous! I like the changes and a bit of speed is not cheating in my book :)

  6. this is looking wonderful. There is no cheating in a quilt I am sure, they are, after all, patchwork. Your circle of triangles is wonderful!

  7. what ever works for you is the RULE!! have fun xx

  8. Is the second round using the curved piece? That would be hard to do by machine.

  9. Wow Suz, I love what you have done with the block, it does look better without that darker blue. And doesn't it look fabulous with the ring around it? Will you applique these onto the background now or piece them? My applique rings are almost done, what a great pattern. xo

  10. Good for you to have changed the middle star. Not sure I would have the energy to do that.
    The whole looks very pretty and with exact circles!
    Great piece of work!


Kind comments welcome!