
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Is it Wednesday again?

As many quilters do, I have flitted from one project to 

another this week...

I have wrestled with "Radioactive".....

The unpicker and I are very good friends!

So much so that this is threatening to be banished to 

the UFO graveyard!

Thankfully I have enjoyed EPP #9 of my Jazz Hands 


This is my favourite one, so far!

And today I picked up fabric for the backing for 

"Castle Tiles"....

I just need to make up my mind on how to quilt 


I'd better decide soon because I might be tempted to 

start something new instead!

And look what landed in my mail box this week.....

I am so lucky to have received this beauty as part of 

the MQPS!

Thank you Tiina- I love it!

(And so does MrPnP!)

What are you working on this week?

Happy sewing...



  1. Lovely cushion! And I think radioactive looks brilliant so it is a shame it isn't being nice to you.

  2. Put it away but don't throw it out. It looks too good. Maybe after putting it a way for a while you will find it easier to work with.
    And while it is away you can go on with the other projects you are enjoying.
    Good luck!

  3. Aw gee, not the UFO box. It looks too good to give up. (Though every time I make something with hexagons, I swear it is the last ... and a while later, come right back).

  4. Aw gee, not the UFO box. It looks too good to give up. (Though every time I make something with hexagons, I swear it is the last ... and a while later, come right back).

  5. It's just lovely - I hope it doesnt go to graveyard.... it is too lovely...

  6. Beautiful projects. Oh, don't give up on radioactive. It WILL be worth it!

  7. I LOVE radioactive!! And I love your jazz hands, too....always look forward to seeing these blocks.

  8. Oh what a shame radioactive is playing up! It is beautiful, maybe a little break will make you miss it?

  9. Those narrow black outlining borders on your "radioactive" are so brilliant! Too bad it's turning out to be so challenging.

    I'm doing the last three sides of hand sewing of binding to complete my first solo queen-sized quilt. I'm so excited and pleased with myself, I'd best stay behind closed doors so I don't induce any eye-rolling. I hope to have it completed, photographed, and delivered to the newlyweds this weekend.

  10. Keep going with the black sashing , it looks great!! It's nice to have Jazz Hands to come back to, love those blocks! You'll come up with a wonderful quilting plan for your Castle Tiles, you always do!

  11. The cushion is great! I love radioactive too... Would love to see it as an FO!

  12. That radioactive is stunning! Stick with it!

  13. Radioactive is looking so good you can't possibly banish it to the UFO box.
    Love your latest jazz hands and the backing fabric for Castle Tiles is gorgeous, love it.

  14. lots of pretty things on your wip post! radioactive looks great and that pillow is amazing!

  15. Looking forward to seeing the Castle Tiles quilt finished - and I love the pillow you received from the swap.

  16. Lovely projects! I really like your paper pieced project. The fabrics are great.

  17. You hit the jackpot with the cushion cover. LOVE!
    I still love your jazz hands so much, it's one of my favorites of your makings!

  18. You hit the jackpot with the cushion cover. LOVE!
    I still love your jazz hands so much, it's one of my favorites of your makings!

  19. Great post....I love seeing what you are working on!

  20. You are very lucky to have received that cushion! And I really love your radioactive blocks, I hope they work out.

  21. Wow you're busy! All the projects look great. Love the cushion.

  22. Oh, radioactive looks amazing, looking forward to seeing where it goes :) gorgeous cushion!

  23. Radioactive is simply wonderful, so I am sending you encouraging words here to never give up on it, even if it occasionally has to go into the cupboard to rest.

    And I learned something new about how to piece together EPP--I do mine in the circle, adding bits as I go, but you line yours up--much easier, I think!

    Everything's beautiful here. I love visiting your blog!

    Elizabeth E.


Kind comments welcome!