
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Labour Day!

It is Labour Day Weekend here in Melbourne where I live!

Monday is a holiday, celebrating the anniversary of the Eight-Hour Day........

And I promised a giveaway in celebration of my Christmas Mug Rug making the 

final of the Modern Mini Challenge...

I didn't win but was more than happy and honoured to have even been chosen!

Here is what I have on offer....

mostly purchased from Kylie @ Patchwork House, my LQS.

This is to thank all my followers for voting for my mini...

Four fat eighths of quality fabric

And to win you will need to be a follower of my blog (and I'll be checking!)

AND answer this 'labour related' question....

Which labour saving device is your favourite in the sewing room?

Mine, apart from my sewing machine of course, is definitely my un-picker!  

Having a sweet un-picker like this makes the job a little less stressful!

I really wanted to include one in this giveaway 

but they were out of stock!

So you get this cute little needle case instead!

They can be purchased online here

The giveaway will remain open until next Saturday, 17th March

when Mr Random Generator will pick a winner!

(Please make sure I have some way of contacting you)

Happy sewing!



  1. How lovely of you Suz.... the competition was tight - as you say great to be in the finals.... my most favourite labour saving must be the rotary cutter... she works really hard for me ... thanks for the chance in this lovely giveaway

  2. What a generous giveaway, Suz! Cutest un-picker EVER! And I LOVE your choice of fabrics. I am definitely a follower. Congrats on your mug rug making the finals! My favorite time saving device is the rotary cutter.

  3. That was fantastic that you got into the finals. Your giveaway looks great, but I have just spent half the day sorting out my fabric stash, and I have too much. It won't fit. So as much as I'd love to win something, I'm going to pass on this fabulous prize.
    My labour saving device is my un-picker, I love it, it gets used a lot, a real lot.

  4. My favorite time saver is the Rotary Cutter. Its always fun to place even if you do not win.

  5. We still think you are a winner! Great to get into the finals.
    And isn't a long weekend just wonderful?
    My Favourite? I have to go for the set of three - rotary cutter, ruler and cutting mat. I can't imagine doing all that cutting without them.
    Thanks for a fun give away!

  6. You was robbed! It's still my favourite. As everyone else says it has to be the rotary cutter, I can't imagine having to cut with scissors now, and for hexies it has to be my GO baby. Thanks for a lovely giveaway.

  7. Sorry you didn't win the comp but I too think it's pretty cool that you made it to the finals. Yay!
    Love the fabric in your giveaway, esp the little cars/road signs. Perfect for the young men in my life.
    I'll be very specific with my labour saving device and say the needle up/down button on my machine. I know it's a basic thing for many, but my first machine didn't have it and so I love this one!

  8. a win would have been fab but to get in the final is great too .my unpicker too has to be the tool what a job if they had not been invented !!

  9. Congratulations on getting to the finals!
    My choice (like most others!!) would be my rotary cutter! How did we manage before them?

  10. Sorry you didn't win. Yours was my favourite!

    Getting to the finals was pretty cool. Knowing someone who got to the finals was pretty cool too :-)

    My rotary cutter/s. Cannot imagine living without it/them.

  11. CUTE fat quarters and absolutely love the need case and the unpicker - please tell me you can get them online - perfect gift for quilting buddies (and myself!) Thanks for the chance

  12. Oops - favourite labour saving device - ROTARY CUTTER of course - forgot to answer this question when I answered the first time.

  13. Delighted that you got to the final, disappointed you didn't win!
    What a sweet giveaway, how kind :)
    The labour saving device has to be my rotary cutter.

  14. Congrats again on making the final cut!
    I think I would be stuffed without my 12.5" square rule - I wouldn't mind a bigger one though!
    Thanks for the chance to win these goodies x

  15. sharp blade for my rotary cutter
    my email: lovinthesunnow(at)yahoo(dot)com

  16. My rotary cutter is number one. The needle case is darling! Sorry you didn't win but making it that far is really great too.

  17. I'll be different and add that my Hera marker is a fantastic time saving tool for marking my quilt tops. Happy to be a new follower and thanks for the giveaway.

  18. I am a follower and i would be lost without my rotary cutter!

  19. What a fun giveaway! I think my fav time-saving device is definitely my rotary cutter! Can't imagine life in the sewing room w/o it!

  20. I love your mug rug and I am so pleased you were in the finals. We have labour day in Canada on the first weekend in September, enjoy your holiday. What a lovely give away, I adore that needle case. So while I agree that the rotary cutter is important, I actually find that the quilter's rulers are most amazing tools - all those lines and also the angles really make a huge difference in what can cut quickly.

  21. hope you win. i love my rotary cutter

  22. I just added you to follow. I came over from Molly Flanders site. I know I wasn't following you when this was going on but had to throw my 2 cents in on my favorite tool. It's actually a little awl. I use it to finish off sewing seams when I'm working with little pieces and holding fabric together until the last minute. Better it than a finger don't ya know. :)

  23. I'm a follower of your blog =D
    My favourite gadget would have to be my sewing machine. Hand sewing is great, but when using my machine I can whizz through a project with ease. Sometimes it doesn't always like the fabrics I use, but I still love it to pieces =D

  24. I'm a follower and I love my rotary cutter.

  25. Yours was my fav. There's always next time! My labour saving device would be that little flat, rubber disc that you can pull needles through with- not sure what it's really called - but I call it a finger squidger!

  26. I am a happy follower. Rotary cutters surely save a lot of time. I doubt I would be a quilter without one.

  27. Hands down, my favorite tool timesaver is the rotary cutter, I can't imagine cutting squares with scissors.

  28. Wow, fabulous prizes you've chosen. I'm glad you came close in the mug rug contest. I'm the same as many others, the rotary cutter is my pick.

  29. Congrats Suz.... how lovely even to make the final! I would love to be included in your very generous giveaway and have been a follower for some time.

  30. How fun to have been a finalist! Good going! I have to say my very favorite labor saving device is my acrylic ruler and mat. I know that's really two :)

  31. How fun to have been a finalist! Good going! I have to say my very favorite labor saving device is my acrylic ruler and mat. I know that's really two :)

  32. Since I'm quite new to quilting I don't have a lot of fancy tools - just my rotary cutter, a couple of templates, and my mat. (Besides my sewing machine.) I've never seen such a cute seam ripper! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great giveaway!!! :)

  33. I love your mug rug and I'm so glad it made it to the finals at least. It got my vote ... not just because I'm a follower but because I really do think it's awesome!

    My best labour saving device? Hmmm ... it would have to be the rotary cutter and mat combo. I can't imagine going back to all that measuring and cutting with scissors.

    Such a sweet seam ripper, by the by!

  34. I've just made my 1st pair of trousers and my husband laughed at them and called them clown trousers. So it would have to be my seam ripper as l've used it all day today to make my wide legged trousers slimmer.
    I follow your blog and love it.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Huge congratulations on being a finalist!! You're very much still a winner :)
    The fabrics are gorgeous, I'm needing thread and I just love that needle case, so cute!!
    And mine would be a rotary cutter :)

  37. Congratulations on being a finalist!
    I would have to say my best labour saving device would have to be the rotary cutter.
    Thank you for the giveaway. It is awesome!

  38. Congratulations on being a finalist! My first reaction was that my favourite labour saving device is my quick unpick, but the more I think of it (and the more my confidence in sewing grows) I think that it could well be my rotary cutter now!
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  39. hey there now following your cute blog x

  40. my favourite labour saving device is ..... my needle threader!

  41. Hello - I am a follower :) Love your spotty fabric as your background on your Farmers Wife blocks/quilt. Does my sewing machine count as a device?! If not, I woul dhave to say my seam-ripper un-picker thing!! Great giveaway!

  42. It would be a toss up between my rotary cutter and seam ripper:) Thanks for the chance to win!

  43. Congratulations on making it to the finals! :)
    My favorite labour saving device is my rotary cutter. But my push button thread cutter on my new sewing machine is a close second. It's amazing how much time it took to cut the thread before. Thanks for a chance to win this great giveaway! I especially love that vehicle fabric! :)


Kind comments welcome!