
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Someone Stole My Mojo!

A headache combined with house guests and upsetting news from a friend

have conspired against me!

Not much sewing...

Not much blogging!

I have done some cutting...

of my "Summer Stars" setting diamonds

(this quilt has previously been none as "Stars in Your Eyes")

and some playing with solids....

for another planned mini?

And I received a little charm pack.....

from Quiet Play's fugly giveaway!
I am happy to know I have a plan for this....

Now I just need to find my MOJO!!

Happy days!



  1. sometimes life does that to you - the remedy for me is to just relax and treat myself - sew something i feel like sewing but dont have to sew, read, see a movie, just no pressure. Good luck. Hope you find what works for you and your mojo comes back soon.

  2. I think I stole the mojo been working my fingers to the bone this last weekend.

    Richard Healey

  3. Suz, I'm sorry you are not feeling like creating right now. I will think of you and your friend and hope the bad news gets resolved. hugs, di

  4. I think your mojo may have gone on holiday with mine!

    I hope to get mine back properly at the end of the week, or there'll be trouble!

  5. My mojo went AWOL last week, I would walk into my sewing room and then walk out again and go off and read a book, very strange... I guess we can't be sewing all the time. I like your new geesey doll quilt, great colours! Its funny how all the Fugly fabrics I've been seeing around blogland arent Fugly at all! Your little win is a great one!!

  6. My mojo is on slow this week after my quick finish of the baby quilt. i just can't get motivated, although I did make a label for a quilt today and started sewing it on before it went pitch black, had a massive storm and lost the power for 6 hours! Too hard to sew with candle light and a torch, I don't know how they did it before electric light!
    Hope you're feeling better soon.

  7. Suz someone stole your blog from my blogroll again!!
    With you on the bad news, life can be so unfair sometimes.
    Clare xxx

  8. Mojo will come back... we all need a rest sometimes.... fun charm pack

  9. You and me, both. Life sometimes seems like it is winning, but it will all find a level soon, I hope.

  10. You might find your mojo at the bottom of a cup of coffee or underneath a big slice of cake ;)

  11. I love Lucy's comment. I often find my mojo looking through magazines at Barnes & Noble...drinking coffee with my BFF. When it's a really bad time, sometimes time away is good.

  12. Your mojo will eventually find you, don't worry. She won't have gone too far. Love the solids you're playing with, especially the chevrons. I am so in love with chevrons at the moment! They will look gorgeous in those colours. I'm with Lucy; cake and coffee are the order of the day. x x

  13. I'm sure you'll find it. Try going to a place where you think a lot. My place seems to be work. Rather than focusing on work I'm thinking up a next project.

  14. Bummer. Give yourself some moments. My impression is that you're someone who, after a fall, gets right back on your bike and keeps pedaling!

  15. i hope your mojo returns soon. sometimes it takes awhile for the mud to settle and the waters to become clear, but you'll feel better if you wait and don't push yourself.

  16. Just checking in. I am sorry...keep going. I want to see your finished Jazz Hands quilt. I miss our daily chats and reading your posts :(

  17. It happens I say go with it (for a while) and then get looking online and motivate yourself. x


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