
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pardon...There will be a Break in Transmission

Mr PnP and I are taking a short trip interstate to cycle and be part of the action 

of the Tour Downunder-

(Australia's answer to the Tour De France!)

So there may be a bit of this,

 while I'm away from my machine.....

Yes... I'm a leftie!

and maybe some of this!

In fact I have started what I am calling my "2012 Heirloom Quilt"!

This English Paper Piecing project is going to be my long term one for this year!

At least I don't have to cut out the paper pieces!

Although they are kind of small....

each individual kite piece is 2" point to point!

This triangle piece is 3" across.

I am using this to guide me in my piecing...

And this is what I am aiming for...

"Jazz Hands" from MO2

In my enthusiasm, I have another one cut out ready to baste!

That should keep me busy on our little road trip!

See you all in a week or so!

Happy Days!



  1. Oh, my husband would be jealous. He is an avid cyclist. The Tour of California came through our town a few years ago, and we got to go down and watch them kick off a stage and it was so much fun to see all of the big teams/cyclists in person! I love the hand projects you have going, so colorful, just gorgeous. Jazz Hands is going to be amazing!

  2. Oh my I love love love the quilt in your first couple of picks, I can't wait to see it all.
    Love those paper pieces too, that is going to be fabulous.
    Have fun, hope the weather is kind to you.

  3. have fun. I'm going to start the Rose Star English PP project. Hopefully this weekend.

  4. I will miss you :( But have a great time and try to relax a little too!!! LOVE.LOVE.LOVE this project!!! Your fabric for the paper piecing is perfect. I can't wait to see it develop!

  5. Enjoy your trip - sounds like a lot of fun. Love your new hand project!!! What a gorgeous quilt it will be in the end - happy stitching and cycling!

  6. Have a great time Suz! Vive Le Tour downunder mate! Great projects. Jazz Hands is going to be a beauty!!

  7. The paper piecing project is going to be simply glorious - I wish I had the patience to attempt it, but I know my limitations... :)

  8. Enjoy the ride! And those are both stunning projects!

  9. What a great pattern and the colours you have chosen look lovely. It will certainly keep you out of trouble ...well busy anyway :)

  10. Sounds like a great trip!! ... I love your paper piecing project -- it's going to look GORGEOUS!!! ... and your hand quilting project is just a beautiful ... can't wait to see both finished!!! Hugs!

  11. First off, have a great time away. I'll wave if I see you on the TV!!
    Next, I love the colours in the quilt top you are hand quilting. Beautiful!
    And I can see why the next project is going to be long term. Looks great.

  12. Oh, my! Your project will be gorgeous...I always love your fabric choices, Susan. Think of us experiencing winter as you are biking there!! Enjoy!

  13. Have a brilliant time away, and I will just sit here in awe of your paper piecing! Amazing project.

  14. What a masterpiece that is going to be. It looks so colourful and fun. Enjoy your trip!

  15. Oh goodness I love both projects! Did you get the papers already cut for.the rose flower? If so, where? And I'm guessing the book is Material Obsession 2?

  16. We are putting on some lovely weather for you. I wonder if you are going to all the events, perhaps you are cycling in the community events? I see you are basting your pieces with thread you should try glue it will cut down your time on preparation which means more time for piecing.

  17. We are putting on some lovely weather for you. I wonder if you are going to all the events, perhaps you are cycling in the community events? I see you are basting your pieces with thread you should try glue it will cut down your time on preparation which means more time for piecing.

  18. Enjoy the cycling - TDU will be great fun!

  19. Just as you guessed, I love the greens and blues in this quilt! And the quilt itself looks lovely! More photos please!


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