
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

WIPS Wednesday- A Progress Report

I thought you might like to see how I've been progressing with some of my 

current projects...

Thanks to everyone who took the time to make suggestions about the quilting on 

my "Favourite Things" Quilt.

I chose to do another simple line of quilting to frame each of the blocks.  

You can't tell from this photo but the new quilting is in a fabulous aqua variegated 


A full reveal, when it's finished, coming up next week, I hope!

I have spent some time on my Christmas Table Runner for a Flick'r swap....

these are two ideas I have been playing around with!

And I added the outer pieces to my Queen of May 'orphan' block...

it's looking a little pink, but I think that it will tone down when I get the corner 

pieces in place!

And here are all my Farmer's Wife blocks living in harmony...

I wonder how many more of these I have in me?

What have you been working on this week?

Linking up Lee over @ Freshly Pieced!

Happy days!



  1. That's a great group of projects you've got going on. The quilting looks fabulous on your stitchery quilt!! Your farmers blocks are such great colours, please do more!!

  2. I love your color choices for the FW blocks, it looks so fresh and lovely!

  3. I love the look of all your projects that you've got going on. The fabrics are so cheerful.

  4. A lovely bunch of projects. I really love your use of the DS fabrics for the FW.
    The quilting looks fabulous, I do like the extra rows.
    Paper piecing-eek.

  5. I love it all! The stitching is so sweet...I love the look of hand stitching! The Queen of May is FABULOUS!!! Oh, I just can't wait to see what you do with this :) And your table runner is looking very Christmasy...perfect! And, finally, your blocks looks so fantastic all together....really the colors are wonderful! That mustard color makes such an impact. Fantastic Suz!!!

  6. mmm, I am thinking you and I have the same taste in fabric - excellent taste that is - looks wonderful, all of it!

  7. so many pretty things here today! your farmer's wife collection is wonderful!

  8. Lots of different and lovely projects happening... looks such fun...

  9. Wow are your projects are so pretty and colorful! Love the tree block for your runner.

  10. I very much like what I see!! That quilting looks brilliant :)

  11. your hand stitching on that quilt are PERFECT! Looks like you have been a busy bee!

  12. I love the Christmas trees so far! I got to do something like that!

  13. The Christmas trees are looking great.

  14. Hand stitching is beautiful. And your FW blocks look fabulous--keep going! I really like the Christmas trees too.

  15. Love your sweet little Christmas trees!

  16. Just love all these cute projects. You keep so busy and they all look super but I love the trees also. Cheers! LJ

  17. All gorgeous and I particularly love those little trees.

  18. I love all of your color! Everything is so bright and cheery. Just how I like it.

  19. Your work is exceptional-great stitching and choice of color


Kind comments welcome!