
Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Spot of Decorating...

The idea started with this lovely fabric from my dear friend Mary...

Sorry - it does need an iron!

and was made into this......

Well, this is the back, actually!

The back of this......

I'm loving my new cushion!

I want to make another cushion using the bike fabric as a feature on the front!

And a trip to Ikea scored me some fabric to match....

Not a bad purchase, for less than $5.00!

Now I'd like your advice on this....

I have hand quilted quite extensively in the blocks of my "Favourite Things" Quilt......

but does it need quilting in the blue sashing pieces?

I have some lovely variegated Auriful thread in aqua which I would really love to use!

But does it need it AND how would I quilt it?




  1. Great cushions!
    I love the quilting and if you aren't sure about more, it probably doesn't need it!

  2. I love the cushions. I would say some more quilting would be nice - if you can face it. :-)

  3. I don't know, but as Hadley said, if your'e not sure, it maybe doesn't need it.
    Love the cushions.

  4. Fabulous cushions, back and front!! It's hard to say whether your quilt needs more without seeing the whole quilt but how about quilting 4 flower petal shapes coming out from each side of the little squares? Or a zig zag running through the sashing ? I think you can also get away with leaving the sashing if you want because all the action is in the blocks.

  5. Yay, Cushions!!!! I love them and the Ikea fabric is well with your colors :) I love your hand stitching and I love Rachael's ideas. The little petal shapes sounds so sweet...she is such a clever girl!!! Have a good weekend :)

  6. Great cushion and I just love your colour scheme. The important thing is to keep the amount and intensity of the quilting balanced over the quilt so you probably don't need to do the sashing IMHO. Take care.

  7. Love the cushion and I think you have enough quilting. Can hardly wait to see the entire favorite things quilt

  8. Those pretty pillows would look at home in my house too, I'm just sayin'!
    I think that the masses have spoken and you are ready for binding!!

  9. Gorgeous cushions!! I love the front and back :) I think if you want to quilt it go ahead!! Maybe you could do some squares going along the sashing? It is hard to tell without seeing the whole quilt but I think the aqua thread sounds too great to pass up!

  10. Loving these cushions and your latest Farmer's Wife blocks, especially love the two fabrics in the spool block. I can't seem to comment on your latest post - is it me or a prob with your settings?


Kind comments welcome!