
Monday, August 22, 2011

I can't seem.... focus on one thing at a time, at the moment!

This is my Spring Blossom Mini Quilt bound...

although I'm thinking of adding some more quilting!

And some more geese added to my Modern Sampler....

You'd think I'd make the effort to get that finished as I only have one more 

block to 'size up'!

And this is the red spotted binding being added to my 'mystery' quilt....

But that will have to wait for another day!

Happy sewing!



  1. Oh - I thought that was how we all worked... with several projects at once!! YOurs all look lovely and your spring blossom just melts me...

  2. There's nothing wrong with doing a bit on each of your lovely projects, looks like fun!

  3. I think Attention Deficit goes with the territory in quilting! You are not alone :) All your projects look great...I love the stitching on your Spring Blossom quilt. And the sampler is looks like it could end up being a large quilt. Can't wait to see it all!!!

  4. Lovely projects. I'm another one, as you know, that can;t just work on one thing at a time. I like having multiple projects because if I'm bored with something I can always find something else to work on, hopefully!
    I always love red spotty biding.

  5. I love the Spring Blossom quilt. Such pretty fabrics.

  6. I jump from project to project like a kangaroo on a pogo stick!! There's just so many fun things to try, or pretty fabrics calling us, or gifts to make. As long as they all get finished in the end. Your projects are all so lovely I wouldn't know which to work on first!

  7. Aah such is the life of a fabric addict!!

  8. I am exactly the same: my mind is buzzing with potential projects and because I do not really have a lot of time (like most others, of course) I just keep adding more exciting projects in my mind.

    This is a lovely blog.


  9. Variety is the spice of life. All your projects look lovely.


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