
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yes, more fabric!

I have been naughty...

I have been shopping again...

For fabric, of course!

I did need this fabric...

And even though I only wanted three quarters of a yard, the shop girl gave me what was left on the roll...

Cos she didn't want to cut it into fat quarters!

I ended up with nearly three yards for $5.00!!

There's nothing I like better than a bargain!

And just fell in love with this!

It is a wonderful linen by Lecien!

which I've teamed with a fabulous red spot!

It will make a fabulous bag, I think!

And I am also getting ready for some serious handquilting...

 I haven't used these before and couldn't decide which colour to buy!

Or, as you can see, which size/No.???!!!

Pretty, hey?

I do have a definite plan though....

Have I given you enough clues.....? ? ?

I'm hand quilting my tree quilt, and I have the backing now too!

Now I just need to find the time!!

Happy sewing!



  1. love this. The hand quilting will be fun! I'm doing it for the first time right now.

  2. Oh lots of yumminess in this post! Great fabrics and your tree is just amazing and will really suit perle quilting.

  3. I wouldn't say Naughty I would Say Smart...all that fabric for a Bargain!
    Well Done...Love the colours of those Perle's.

  4. Wow this will look amazing when finished. Look forward to updates.....Gee I wanna shop at your fabbie shop what a bargain. My shop measures to the exact metre, no more no less, and if you come to the end of the bolt you don't get it they put it in the scrap bin....grrrrr

  5. i love the backing fabric. That's me to a 't'. I can't find a sharp enough needle to go with the heavier cotton - what size and type are you going to use.

    Hugs - Marie

  6. Oh Suz! I am so excited for you I can hardly type! That fabric is gorgeous...really....what is it? And you picked the perfect size of Perle cotton #8 is what you want for quilting. Oh my, what fabulous finds!

  7. Hand quilting this piece will really make it sing. It is such a great quilt, it is worth the time to hand quilt. Love the backing fabric.

  8. What a bargain! And it will make a lovely finish.

  9. Fabulous fabric and threads and a super bargain. What more could a girl want! I adore your tree quilt, can't wait to see it finished.

  10. Oh this is going to be one sweet little mini quilt! yum!


Kind comments welcome!