
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A First- for me!

Can you believe...

 I've never bought a number of fabrics from an entire range!

I usually buy individual fabrics, building up what I like until I have enough for a 

particular project!

(This is probably because when I started patchworking, fabric didn't really come 

out in ranges!)

But not this time....

Yes...... the swings, scooters, scarves and spots of the Sherbet Pips range have 

found a place in my home!

I had seen it all over the internet and in my local fabric shop and had decided 

which ones I wanted.

And this is what arrived after I ordered over the internet from Fabricworm...

 (For us Aussies,  it's SO much cheaper this way!)

As I haven't decided who this will be gifted to yet (a little boy or a little girl),

I tried to keep a broad colour palette!

A bit of blue, a bit of grey, a bit of pink and a bit of red!

And a balance between the picture prints and the spots...

But now, for me, the hard part begins.....

Deciding on a pattern!

 Is that the hardest part of the quilting process for you too?

I'd love to know!

Happy sewing,



  1. Yay you have your Pips! Thay are lovely aren't they; but then have you seen Aneela's pics of Little Apples! the girl's a genius!

  2. Oh, I love the Pips. I am ready to put my Pinwheels pips quilt top together. It took me an age to decide! I just finished my first quilt totally from one line - Its a Hoot - and while I love how coordinated it is, I totally missed those moments when you find fabrics that work great together!

  3. Good for you! I have just one of the prints so far. I completely missed out on the girl in the literally flew out of the shoppe! I can't wait to see how you use it. It is adorable fabric:)

  4. Sherbert Pips is such a gorgeous range. Can't wait to see what you make.

  5. Very cute range, and I find choosing the pattern hard too. Often I am a little overwhelmed by how nice the fabric is and I am worried I'm going to ruin it!

  6. Oh what a nice fabric
    greetings Dorine

  7. I love the little scooters. I just got some new fabric. Why not pop over for a look.

  8. Oh lovely Sherbet Pips!! And they're even better in real life. I got in early when there were only precuts so that determined how I used mine, but yardage gives you lots of choices. I know you'll come up with something amazing!


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