
Friday, April 1, 2011

My week in review...

Besides receiving some wonderful mail this week I have been sewing too!

I had seen this lovely pattern for a birdcage block over at Chasing Cottons 

(It is also linked to SewMamaSew!)

And this is what I made...

It was a great pattern, clearly explained and not to difficult to construct....

Except for that curved piecing at the top!

The bird fabric was a sweet little scrap sent to me in the recent mug rug swap.

I especially love the bird detail here....

In fact I am thinking about making the same block again, with this bird in the 

cage and one of my new fabrics (see previous post) as the background.

I've spent this week hand quilting it....

Still adding to it...

 I haven't decided yet whether to make it into a pillow or doll quilt.

It is rather large...20 inches square... which would make it a pretty big pillow....

But I have only backed it with a plain white backing....which makes it rather 

boring for a doll quilt!

What do you think?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Happy days!



  1. That is really pretty... it would be lovely as a wallhanging in a special place...

  2. I love this Suz! The hand quilting is beautiful! I think I would make it into a pillow - also like your idea of placing the bird in the cage. I can see lots of uses for this block. Thanks for the link!

  3. Doll Quilt - I don't think it matters what they're backed with because you can hang them on the wall and not see the back - I love cute little projects like this - so much more fun than ploughing through the whole process of making a quilt! This is fab. Love the hand stitching.

  4. Love that block! I thought it was a bit like a little temple too. Your hand quilting is lovely, and I would make this into a lovely pillow for my bed.

  5. Lovely quilt Suz and it would look wonderful on a wall. The hand quilting is very even! Take care.

  6. I like the bed cushion idea. With a birdie brooch on it somewhere!

  7. I found your blog through the Fresh Sewing Day over at Lily`s Quilts. I love this project - absolutely adorable. Your hand quilting is incredibly exact and so much better than mine! Oh dear - I better go practice...

  8. Hrm.. I vote doll quilt. The back doesn't have to be anything super showy, since all of your beautiful work is on the front! And it'll make a perfect wall hanging (that's what I'd do with it) and by doing that, it'll make it that much better to hang up on the wall versus using a patterned fabric for the back and hiding that.

  9. Very pretty. I really like the hand quilting you've done on this.

  10. ::swoon:: It's so beautiful! I love those colors, and the design is really unique! I also love how you quilted it! I'd love to see this as a pillow!

  11. Lovely design. The hand quilting is very effective. I love to be able to touch and use my projects so I would make it a cushion.

  12. Lovely, whatever you decide is great as long as it can be seen and admired!

  13. Your curves look great at the top- hard to do as they are quite small- you did a great job. Love your hand stitching too

  14. Beautiful block - either a pillow or doll quilt would work, I hope you put it where you can see it often.


Kind comments welcome!