
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chubby Star Quilt

Firstly, thank you to all my readers who stopped by and made a comment on my Mariner's Compass Quilt.

I have decided to put it away for a week or two and then I will probably unpick and re-align some of the points.

I will be much happier then!

Now for my latest achievement.

I am very proud to add this quilt to my list of finishes for 2010!

I have posted about this quilt before so I am sorry you are getting a strange feeling of deja vu!
 But it is finally finished!

I had purchased the Alexander Henry owl fabric ages ago and wanted to make it into something special.

The pattern came from the first of the Material Obsessions books- the pattern was called Strawberry 


In retrospect I don't think the fabric choices were perfect but I was guided by the girls at my LQS.

What has made it special though is the amazing quilting by Karen at "Quilts on Bastings".

She was even generous enough to feature last month it recently on  Amy's Quilt Bloggers Festival.

Look at that beautiful quilting!

Yesterday I spent nearly 4 hours machine and hand sewing the binding on.

I love the spirals in the centre of the stars!

Why do they remind me of pavlova?

I forgot to take photos of the back.

I chose a very plain monotone print but again Karen has made that a feature by quilting in different 

colors to great effect! 

This will surely become a family heirloom!

What are you working on?

Have a happy day!



  1. That is a really lovely quilt... I have that book and this has given me some inspiration to use it!! The quilting is lovely and I do think the binding you chose is just perfect..... love it

  2. WOW! Your quilt is absolutely gorgeous! beautiful work!!

  3. Um. I'm not really sure I can say anything. I'm sitting here GASPING! at your lovely quilt.

  4. LOVE LOVE the Quilting in the centre blocks ...Great choice in fabric I Love those little Owls..Fabulous Quilting you must be Stoked..I know I Would Be...
    Gorgeous Quilt....

  5. I agree with Tania, I think I cold look at this quilt for hours and hours. It is so beautiful - I love the combination of the traditional feel pattern with the modern fabrics - it already has the heirloom feel to me. You know I think one day I will treat myself to having a quilt quilted by Karen - those spirals are just so wonderful.

  6. A truly lovely quilt and what a treasure to have in your collection. Happy stitching!

  7. I like the quilt. Don't mourn what might have been on the color choices. Not bad in my opinion.

  8. I love this quilt. I have the Material Obsession book and completely overlooked this pattern because of the fabrics. They just didn't 'speak' to me. But now I am definitely going to look at it again. I love the owls and the circle quilting!!

  9. Still one of my all time favourite quilts out there in blogland - love love love love love (as I may have mentioined before a few times or more!)

  10. This is beautiful. I love that owl fabric but I really love the quilting on it... and the binding fabric! Great choice.

  11. Very pretty, especially the quilting. Just found this through the link on Lily's Quilts and thought I'd stop by.

  12. This is a beautiful quilt! Love your owls fabric and the spiral quilting is perfect. I have the Material Obsession book too and love it, its so inspirational! I found your blog through Lily's Quilts and have linked up to follow :-)

  13. It's a gorgeous quilt, I do remember it from Karen's blog post. I think it looks fabulous.


Kind comments welcome!